Connects your Marionette views and React components.
The library provides a bidirectional gateway between the two technologies:
- renders React components inside your Marionette views.MarionetteComponent
- renders Marionette views inside your React components.
The react-marionette library is provided as an NPM package:
$ npm install --save react-marionette
const view = className: 'react-wrapper' <div className="react-component">Hello React</div>;someRegion; /*Result:<div class="react-wrapper"> <div class="react-component"> Hello, React </div></div>*/
The simplest way to render React components in your Marionette layout. Inside, creates a new mount point using ReactDOM.render
and unmounts on view destroy.
- a function that returns a React node.
- 'onRender'
or 'onShow'
, defines the point at which the render of the React node occurs. Default: 'onShow'
A more complicated example using Redux for state management and rendering a connected component:
const view = className: 'react-wrapper' { return <Provider store=store> <SomeConnectedComponent /> </Provider> ; };someRegion;
const View = MarionetteItemView; /*Result:<div class="react-wrapper"> <div class="react-component"> Hello, React </div></div>*/
This behavior gives you more flexibility when rendering a React node by providing the containerEl
option. Apart from this, the underlying render logic is the same as in ReactView
- a function that returns a React node.
- 'onRender'
or 'onShow'
, defines the point at which the render of the React node occurs. Default: 'onShow'
- a jQuery selector that identifies the element that should be used to render the react node. Similarly to the ui
selectors in Marionette.View
, this selector is scoped to the view which this behavior is applied to.
const SimpleView = MarionetteItemView;const SomeStatelessComponent = { return <div className="react-block"> <MarionetteComponent className="marionette-wrapper" view=SimpleView viewOptions= name: 'Marionette' /> </div>;}; /*Result:<div class="react-block"> <div class="marionette-wrapper"> <div class="simple-view"> Hello, Marionette </div> </div></div>*/
A reverse gateway allowing to render a Marionette view inside your React code. Once rendered, the marionette view is not updated on viewOptions
change unless it is defined in onUpdateOptions
- a Marionette.View class to be rendered.
- options to be passed to the view when it is constructed.
- a class that can be optionally set to the wrapper div
element of MarionetteComponent
onUpdateOptions(view, viewOptions, nextViewOptions)
- a callback which is called when the view options change. Allows to manually update the view on options change:
{ if viewOptionsname !== nextViewOptionsname viewoptions = nextViewOptions; view; }
Alternatively, shouldViewRebuild
can be implemented inside the View to handle it's update requests:
const SimpleView = MarionetteItemView;