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1.2.6 • Public • Published


React-Modal-Pro is a versatile and lightweight library for managing modals in React applications. It offers seamless support for dialogs, sidebars, and sheets, giving you full control over their behavior and appearance. With native-like navigation integration, modals can close when navigating back in history, without actually reverting to the previous page—providing a smooth, app-like user experience.

Key Features:

  • Effortlessly manage multiple modals.
  • Native-like modal behavior with history-based closing.
  • Swipe-to-open and swipe-to-close functionality for sidebars and sheets.
  • Simple yet powerful API for fine-tuned control.

With React-Modal-Pro, creating professional, responsive, and intuitive modals has never been easier.


To install React-Modal-Pro, you can use npm or yarn:

# Using npm
$ npm install --save react-modal-pro

# Using yarn
$ yarn add react-modal-pro

Example: Building Modals with React-Modal-Pro

Below is a simple example demonstrating how to use React-Modal-Pro to create a bottom sheet, a sidebar, and a center dialog, each controlled by unique keys and customizable props.


  1. Unique Modal Keys:
    Each modal uses a unique modalKey to ensure smooth and independent functionality, even when managing multiple modals simultaneously.

  2. Global Modal Control:
    Using the useModalController hook, you can programmatically control any modal, allowing you to close (or open) it from anywhere in your app.

  3. Customizable Props:
    Tailor your modals with a variety of props for direction, triggers, gestures, and more. (Details on all available props are explained later!)

Code Example:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import { ProModalProvider, ProSheet, Sidebar, useModalController, Dialog } from 'react-modal-pro';

function App() {
  return (
      <BottomSheet />
      <SidebarLeft />
      <CenterDialog />

function BottomSheet() {
  return (
      TriggerElement={<button>open bottom sheet</button>}
      <BottomSheetContent />

function BottomSheetContent() {
  const { handleCloseModal } = useModalController("bottom-sheet");
  return (
    <button onClick={handleCloseModal}>
      click to close bottom sheet with me!

function SidebarLeft() {
  return (
      TriggerElement={<button>open sidebar left</button>}
      Hey, This is sidebar-left content!

function CenterDialog() {
  return (
      TriggerElement={<button>open dialog</button>}
      Hey, This is dialog content!

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root"));
      <App />

Key Takeaways

  • Unique Keys: Assign a unique modalKey (e.g., 'bottom-sheet', 'sidebar-left') for independent modal control.
  • Dynamic Control: Use the useModalController hook to dynamically manage modals, such as closing a modal from within its content using handleCloseModal.
  • Customizable Props: Configure modals with props for directions, gestures, animations, and more.

Props Reference

ProModalProvider Props

Prop Type Default Description
defaultCanDismiss boolean true Allows modals to be dismissed by clicking the backdrop or swiping.
defaultOpenDuration number 400 Duration (in ms) for opening animations.
defaultCloseDuration number 300 Duration (in ms) for closing animations.
defaultSheetClassName string "" Default class name for the modal sheet.
defaultBackdropClassName string "" Default class name for the modal backdrop.

Shared Modal Props (Dialog, Sidebar, ProSheet)

Prop Type Default Required Description
modalKey string - Yes Unique key for identifying the modal.
children ReactNode - Yes Content displayed inside the modal.
TriggerElement ReactNode - Yes Element that triggers modal opening.
canDismiss boolean true No Allows dismissal by backdrop click.
closeCb () => void undefined No Callback executed when the modal closes.
closeDuration number 300 No Duration (in ms) for closing animations.
openDuration number 400 No Duration (in ms) for opening animations.
backdropClassName string "" No Custom class name for the backdrop.
sheetClassName string "" No Custom class name for the modal container.

Component-Specific Props


Prop Type Default Required Description
(inherits shared props) - - - -


Prop Type Default Required Description
direction left right - Yes Direction the sidebar opens (left or right).
swipeToOpen boolean false No Enables swipe-to-open functionality.
swipeToClose boolean false No Enables swipe-to-close functionality.
swipeThreshold number undefined No Threshold for swipe gestures.


Prop Type Default Required Description
direction bottom top - Yes Direction the sheet opens (bottom or top).
swipeToOpen boolean false No Enables swipe-to-open functionality.
swipeToClose boolean false No Enables swipe-to-close functionality.
swipeThreshold number undefined No Threshold for swipe gestures.


Try the live demo on Codesandbox:

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npm i react-modal-pro

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  • sararmjalal