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1.0.2 • Public • Published

MultiInputField Component

The MultiInputField component is a versatile and customizable React input field that enables users to add, clear, or remove multiple values. It’s ideal for tags, categories, keywords, or any multi-value input requirements, with extensive support for custom styling and UI elements.


  • Multi-value Input: Users can add and manage multiple values.
  • Clear All Values: Provides a clear-all option to reset the input.
  • Remove Individual Values: Allows users to delete specific values.
  • Customizable UI: Easily style the component, including label, input field, list items, and icons.
  • Accessible and User-friendly: Supports required fields and placeholders for enhanced UX.


First, install the package via npm:

npm install react-multivalue-text-input-field

Importing and Basic Setup

Step 1: Import the Component

import MultiInputField from 'react-multivalue-text-input-field';
import React, { useState } from 'react';

Step 2: Define State for the Values

Create a state to hold the input values using the useState hook.

const App = () => {
  const [values, setValues] = useState<string[]>([]);

  return (
      label="Enter Tags"
      placeholder="Type and press enter"

export default App;

In this example, the values array will hold the current tags, and setValues updates this array when new tags are added or removed.

Detailed Props Guide

The MultiInputField component accepts the following props, allowing for comprehensive customization:

Required Props

Prop Type Description
values string[] Array of initial values for the input field.
setValues (values: string[]) => void Function that updates the values array on adding or removing tags.

Optional Props for Enhanced Customization

Prop Type Description
label string Label text for the input field.
labelStyle string Additional CSS class or style string for the label styling.
placeholder string Placeholder text that appears when no values are entered.
optionStyle OptionStyleType Custom styling for individual list items (background color, padding, etc.).
optionTextStyle OptionTextType Style properties for the text inside each list item.
optionCloseIcon React.ReactNode Custom icon component for removing a value.
optionCloseIconStyle string CSS class or style string for the remove icon styling.
containerFocusedStyle string CSS styling applied to the container when it is focused.
required boolean Marks the input field as required if set to true.

Full Prop Example with Descriptions

Here’s an example that demonstrates how to utilize various props for a fully customized experience:

  labelStyle="custom-label-class" // Custom label CSS class for unique styling
  placeholder="Type and hit Enter" // Placeholder text when no values are entered
    backgroundColor: '#e0f7fa',
    paddingHorizontal: '8px',
    paddingVertical: '4px',
    borderRadius: '4px'
  }} // List item styling
    color: '#00796b',
    fontSize: '14px',
    fontFamily: 'Arial, sans-serif',
    fontWeight: 'bold'
  }} // Text styling inside list items
  optionCloseIcon={<span>&#10006;</span>} // Custom close icon using a 'x' symbol
  optionCloseIconStyle="custom-close-icon-class" // Custom close icon style
  containerFocusedStyle="focused-container-class" // Container style on focus
  required // Sets the field as mandatory

Prop Breakdown

Required Properties

  • values: An array of strings representing the initial values.
  • setValues: A callback function that updates the values array when values are added or removed.

Label Customization

  • label: Sets a descriptive text label above the input.
  • labelStyle: Adds custom styling to the label, making it easy to match the input label with your design theme.

Placeholder Text

  • placeholder: Sets the placeholder text inside the input box. It can indicate how to interact with the input, such as "Type and hit Enter."

Styling List Items

  • optionStyle: Style the appearance of each list item, with properties like backgroundColor, paddingHorizontal, paddingVertical, and borderRadius.
  • optionTextStyle: Customize the text inside each list item with color, fontSize, fontFamily, and fontWeight.

Close Icon Customization

  • optionCloseIcon: Replace the default close icon with a custom one. For example, you could use a FontAwesome icon here.
  • optionCloseIconStyle: Apply additional styling to the close icon, such as changing color, size, or padding.

Container Styling on Focus

  • containerFocusedStyle: Specify styles that are applied to the container when it gains focus, such as adding a colored border.

Required Field Indicator

  • required: Marks the input field as required. If true, an asterisk (*) appears next to the label.

Example with Full Customization and Clear Functionality

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import MultiInputField from 'react-multivalue-text-input-field';

const TagInput = () => {
  const [tags, setTags] = useState<string[]>(['Example Tag 1', 'Example Tag 2']);

  return (
      label="Your Tags"
      placeholder="Add a tag and press enter"
        backgroundColor: '#ffeeff',
        paddingHorizontal: '10px',
        paddingVertical: '5px',
        borderRadius: '8px'
        color: '#aa00aa',
        fontSize: '13px'

export default TagInput;

Custom CSS Styling Tips

For users who want to define their own custom styles, use the following guidelines:

.custom-label-style {
  font-size: 16px;
  color: #333;

.custom-close-icon-class {
  font-size: 12px;
  color: #ff3333;
  cursor: pointer;

.input-focused-style {
  border: 2px solid #007bff;


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.

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  • mbianou-bradon