This a barebones component library for React Native, the components here are made to give you scaffolding to create your own unique components.
This started as base components from my different projects, I build a base component and extend it on my various different pages.
This library is built using TypeScript and Styled-Components, to use these components you will need to use Styled-Components.
All styles passed to these components should be strings.
You need to use npm or yarn as this is an NPM module
To install run one of the following commands:
yarn add react-native-anubis-component-library
npm install react-native-anubis-component-library
Once you have installed it import your desired components:
import { Button } from 'react-native-anubis-component-library';
import * as React from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { Button } from 'react-native-anubis-component-library';
export default class ExamplePage extends React.Component<Props, State> {
constructor(props: Props) {
render() {
return (
containerStyles: '', /* container style wrapper around TouchableNativeFeedback */
isHighlight: true, /* If button should be a TouchableHighlight
ripple: '#FFFFFF', /* TouchableNativeFeedback ripple colour */
rippleBorder: true, /* TouchableNativeFeedback has no border */
textStyles={'color: #ffffaa'}
onPress={() => alert('I have been clicked!')}
text="Click Me!"
Here are the components provided in this component library
The button component is provided with a number of configurations. The component will default to TouchableNativeFeedback on Android and TouchableHighlight and TouchableOpacity.
The Button component takes these props:
- customStyles: string of styles to be passed to the button
- platformProps:
- containerStyles
- isHighlight: on iOS sets the button as TouchableHighlight (iOS Only)
- ripple: on Android string of ripple colour for TouchableNativeFeedback (Android Only)
- rippleBorder: on Android boolean if true for TouchableNativeFeedback (Android Only)
- onPress: function for the onPress event
- text: your text
- textStyles: string of styles for the button text
- type: these define what sort of button you will get
- component: Component acts like a HOC and it renders your component inside it.
- container: Barebones with no styling
- text: an ordinary button which contains text
- TypeScript - TypeScript v3
- Styled-Components - Components are built and styled using Styled-Components
- Yarn - Package Manager
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Aaron Fryer - Initial work - TwiggyRJ
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details