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React-Native App Lifecycle

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⚛ Enhances the reliability of managing app lifecycles across iOS and Android platforms, ensuring consistent behavior regarding foreground and background states.

It implements the Lifecycle for Android and falls back to the AppState for iOS.

Why Use This?

The original AppState API provided by React Native behaves differently between Android and iOS, particularly regarding the background state:

  • On iOS, the background state signifies that the entire app is in the background.
  • On Android, the background state indicates that the React Native Activity is in the background, which might not necessarily mean the entire app is in the background.

By using react-native-applifecycle, you can handle these differences seamlessly across both platforms, ensuring that the state background will be dispatched only when the entire app is in background.


Install dependency package

yarn add react-native-applifecycle


npm i -S react-native-applifecycle


The App Lifecycle API is compatible with the original AppState.

Subscribing to the change listener:

import {AppLifecycle} from 'react-native-applifecycle';

const App = () => {

  useEffect(() => {
    const listener = AppLifecycle.addEventListener('change', state => {
      // do something

    return () => listener.remove();
  }, []);

  return <View />;

export default App;

Getting the current state with hook:

import {useAppLifecycle} from 'react-native-applifecycle';

const App = () => {
  const currentLifecycle = useAppLifecycle();

  // do something

  return <View />;

export default App;

For more details, see the Sample Project.

Lifecycle States

  • active - The app is running in the foreground
  • background - The app is running in the background. The user is either:
    • in another app
    • on the home screen
  • [iOS] inactive - This is a state that occurs when transitioning between foreground & background, and during periods of inactivity such as entering the multitasking view, opening the Notification Center or in the event of an incoming call.

For more information, see React Native documentation.



This event is received when the app state has changed. The listener is called with one of the current app state values.

memoryWarning, focus, blur, etc

Falls back to AppState



static addEventListener(
  type: AppStateEvent,
  listener: (state: AppStateStatus) => void,
): NativeEventSubscription;

Sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event type on Lifecycle occurs. Valid values for eventType are listed above. Returns the EventSubscription.



static currentState: AppStateStatus;

Jest mock

jest.mock('react-native-applifecycle/dist/AppLifecycle', () => require('react-native-applifecycle/jest/AppLifecycleMock'));


New features, bug fixes and improvements are welcome! For questions and suggestions use the issues.

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The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2024 Douglas Nassif Roma Junior

See the full license file.

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  • douglasjunior