Add the dependency:
npm i react-native-colorful-card
Peer Dependencies
IMPORTANT! You need install them
"react-native-bounceable": ">= 0.2.4"
import ColorfulCard from "react-native-colorful-card";
Fundamental Usage
valuePostfix="h 42 m"
footerTitle="Deep Sleep"
footerValue="3h 13m"
style={{ backgroundColor: "#7954ff" }}
onPress={() => {}}
Example Project You can checkout the example project
Simply run
npm i
react-native run-ios/android
should work of the example project.
Configuration - Props
Property | Type | Default | Description |
title | string | undefined | change the title string |
value | string | undefined | change the value string |
valuePostfix | string | undefined | change the value postfix string |
footerTitle | string | undefined | change the footerTitle string |
footerValue | string | undefined | change the footerValue string |
iconImageSource | image | undefined | set your own image source for the icon |
onPress | function | undefined | set your own logic for the button functionality when it is pressed |
Customization (Optionals)
Property | Type | Default | Description |
style | ViewStyle | default | set or override the style object for the main container |
iconImageStyle | ImageStyle | default | set or override the image style object for the icon container |
titleTextStyle | TextStyle | default | set or override the text style object for the title text |
footerTextStyle | TextStyle | default | set or override the text style object for the footer text |
valueTextStyle | TextStyle | default | set or override the text style object for the value text |
valuePostfixTextStyle | TextStyle | default | set or override the text style object for the value postfix text |
ImageComponent | Image | default | set your own component instead of default react-native Image component |
iconContainerStyle | ViewStyle | default | set or override the style object for the icon container style |
Future Plans
- [x]
LICENSE - [ ] Write an article about the lib on Medium
Heavily inspired by WebFrontEndTips
React Native Colorful Card is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.