
1.0.13 • Public • Published

React Native Form Library

This library provides a set of customizable form components for React Native, making it easier to build forms with various types of input fields and validation rules.

A powerful and flexible form library for React Native that simplifies form handling, validation, and state management.


  • Easy form validation for React Native
  • Simple integration with existing projects
  • Support for various input types
  • Customizable form fields and validation rules
  • Works seamlessly with React Native hooks


Using npm

npm install react-native-easy-forms

Using Yarn

yarn add react-native-easy-forms



The Form component is the container for all form items. It manages form state, validation, and submission.

  • Props:
    • initialValues (object): Initial values for the form fields.
    • onSubmit (function): Callback function to handle form submission.


The FormItem component is used to wrap individual form fields. It handles validation rules and labels.

  • Props:
    • name (string): The name of the form field. This should match the key in initialValues.
    • label (string): The label for the form field.
    • rules (array): Validation rules for the form field. Each rule is an object that may contain:
      • required (boolean): Whether the field is required.
      • message (string): The error message to display if the validation fails.
      • type (string): The type of validation (e.g., 'email', 'number', 'url').
      • pattern (RegExp): A regular expression for custom validation.


The FormInput component is a text input field.

  • Props:
    • placeholder (string): Placeholder text for the input field.
    • password (boolean): Whether the input is a password field.


The FormSwitch component is a switch toggle.

  • Props:
    • label (string): The label for the switch.


The FormCheckbox component is a checkbox input.

  • Props:
    • label (string): The label for the checkbox.


The FormRadioGroup component is a group of radio buttons.

  • Props:
    • mode (string): The display mode ('ios' or 'android').
    • options (array): An array of options, where each option is an object with label and value properties.
    • label (string): The label for the radio group.


The FormSlider component is a slider input.

  • Props:
    • maximumValue (number): The maximum value for the slider.
    • minimumValue (number): The minimum value for the slider.
    • label (string): The label for the slider.


The FormRangeSlider component is a range slider input.

  • Props:
    • min (number): The minimum value for the range slider.
    • max (number): The maximum value for the range slider.
    • step (number): The step value for the range slider.


The FormPickerSelect component is a picker select input.

  • Props:
    • mode (string): The display mode ('dialog' or 'dropdown').
    • items (array): An array of items, where each item is an object with label and value properties.


The DropdownSelectForm component is a dropdown select input.

  • Props:
    • search (boolean): Whether to enable search functionality.
    • items (array): An array of items, where each item is an object with label and value properties.
    • placeholder (string): The placeholder text for the dropdown.


The FormMultiSelect component is a multi-select input.

  • Props:
    • items (array): An array of items, where each item is an object with label and value properties.


The FormDatePicker component is a date picker input.

  • Props:
    • label (string): The label for the date picker.
    • mode (string): The display mode ('date' or 'datetime').


Here's a sample usage of the library:

function App() {
  const [initialValues, setInitialValues] = useState({
    name: '',
    email: '',
    acceptTerms: true,
    options: '',
    date: '',
    radios: '',

  const handleSubmit = (values) => {

  return (
      <ScrollView contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior="automatic">
        <Form initialValues={initialValues} onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
          <FormItem name="name" label={'Name'}>
            <FormInput placeholder="Name"/>
          {/* Add other FormItem components here */}
          <FormItem type="submit">

export default App;

###More examples

import React from 'react';
import {SafeAreaView, Text} from 'react-native';

import {Form, FormInput, FormItem} from 'react-native-easy-forms';

function App() {
  const handleSubmit = (values: any) => {

  return (
      <Form initialValues={{name: '', email: ''}} onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
        <FormItem name="name" label="Name">
          <FormInput placeholder="Enter your name"/>
        <FormItem name="email" label="Email" rules={[{type: 'email'}]}>
          <FormInput placeholder="Enter your Email"/>
        <FormItem name="Url" label="Email" rules={[{type: 'url'}]}>
          <FormInput placeholder="Enter your Email"/>
        <FormItem type="submit" label="Name">

export default App;

With validation


      pattern: new RegExp(/^(\d+|\*)\.(\d+|\*)\.(\d+|\*)$/),
      message: 'Patten does not match',
  <FormInput placeholder="5*"/>


  rules={[{type: 'number', message: 'Age must be a number'}]}
  <FormInput placeholder="Age"/>


  rules={[{type: 'url', message: 'url is not valid'}]}>
  <FormInput placeholder="Url"/>


    {required: false, message: 'Please enter your email'},
      type: 'email',
      message: 'Please enter a valid email',
  <FormInput placeholder="Email"/>


    <FormItem name="password" label={'Password'}>
  <FormInput placeholder="Password" password={true}/>

Custom Component Integration with Form Library


This document explains how to create custom components that integrate seamlessly with our form library by using specific callback functions. The form library manages form inputs and updates form state using the setFieldValue method. When building custom components, you can utilize the callback functions described below to ensure that your components work effectively with the form.


Before integrating your custom components, ensure you have:

  • Basic understanding of React and TypeScript.
  • Familiarity with the form library's API, particularly the setFieldValue method.


When creating a custom component that interacts with the form, you may need to use one or more of the following callback functions. These functions are designed to update the form state in response to user input:

  • onChangeText(text: string):
    Use this callback for text input fields. It passes the entered text and updates the form state using the setFieldValue method.

  • onValueChange(value: boolean):
    This callback is suitable for toggle switches or checkboxes. It updates the form state with a boolean value.

  • onSelect(value: string):
    Use this callback when selecting a single item from a list or dropdown. It updates the form state with the selected value.

  • onChange(value: any):
    This generic callback can be used for various input types. It accepts any value type and updates the form state accordingly.

  • onSelectedItemsChange(value: any):
    This callback is ideal for multi-select components where multiple items can be selected. It updates the form state with the selected items.

How to Use

When implementing your custom component, ensure it accepts one or more of these callbacks as props. The form library will pass these functions to your component, allowing it to update the form state seamlessly.


Here's a basic example of a custom component using the onChangeText callback:

interface CustomInputProps {
  onChangeText: (text: string) => void;
  value: string;

const CustomInput: React.FC<CustomInputProps> = ({ onChangeText, value }) => {
  return (
      onChange={(e) => onChangeText(}

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  • josephkongon