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1.0.8 • Public • Published

Simple ScrollSpy


Cross-platform gcal/outlook like calendar component for React Native.


  • Cross Platform: Runs on the Web, iOS, Android with the power of React
  • Type-safe: Fully written in TypeScript
  • Customizable: Adjust styles of components
  • Lightweight: ~15kb, only one dependency is dayjs


npm install --save react-native-event-week

Or if you use Yarn:

yarn add react-native-event-week

Getting Started

import { Calendar } from "react-native-event-week";
const events = [
    title: "Important meeting",
    start: "2020-10-06 14:45",
    end: "2020-10-06 18:15",
    backgroundColor: "#41CAC0",
    title: "Coffee break",
    start: "2020-10-06 06:45",
    end: "2020-10-06 07:15",
    backgroundColor: "#41CAC0",
function App() {
  return <Calendar events={events} height={600} />;

API Documentation


interface CalendarProps<T = {}> {
  events: Event<T>[];
  height: number;
  mode?: Mode;
  style?: ViewStyle;
  eventCellStyle?: EventCellStyle<T>;
  scrollOffsetMinutes?: number;
  date?: Date;
  swipeEnabled?: boolean;
  showTime?: boolean;
  refreshing: boolean;
  weekStartsOn?: WeekNum;
  locale?: string;
  onChangeDate?: DateRangeHandler;
  onPressEvent?: (event: Event<T>) => void;
  onPressDateHeader?: (date: Date) => void;
  onPressEventHeder?: (event: Event<T>) => void;
  onPressCell?: (date: Date) => void;
  onRefresh?: () => void;

<Calendar /> Props are:

name required type description
events yes Array<{ title: string, start: Date, end: Date, children?: React.ReactNode }> The events which will be rendered on the calendar, with optional children to display custom components on the event. Events that occur during the same time range will be layered, offset, and given a unique color.
height yes number Calendar height.
onPressEvent no (event: { title: string, start: Date, end: Date } => void) Event handler which will be fired when the user clicks an event.
onChangeDate no ([start, end]: [Date, Date]) => void Event handler which will be fired when the current date range changed.
onPressCell no (date: Date) => void Event handler which will be fired when the current date cell is clicked. The minute set to 0.
onPressDateHeader no (date: Date) => void Event handler which will be fired when the user clicks a date from the header.
mode no 3days, week, day
style no import('react-native').ViewStyle
eventCellStyle no ViewStyle or ((event: { title: string, start: Date, end: Date } ) => ViewStyle) The style of Event cell. Accepts either style object (static) or function (dynamic).
scrollOffsetMinutes no number Scroll to specific minutes in a day. e.g.) set 480 to scroll to 8am when the calendar rendered.
date no Date Initial date. Defualts to Date
swipeEnabled no boolean
showTime no boolean
ampm no boolean Use 12 hours time format instead of 24 hours.
weekStartsOn no 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Which day the week starts on. Sunday is 0.
locale no string Custom locale. See I18n section


Please specity your locale via locale prop and import day.js locale file:

import 'dayjs/locale/ja'
  {/* ... */}

You can find your dayjs locale here:


If you are using this library, please send a PR to add your organization!


  • Add API Documentation
  • Add onClickCell feature
  • Add onDrugCell feature
  • Style customize
    • Blue active day
    • Blue active day text
    • Today indicator
  • Support the month view layout

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  • tkduong98