
1.0.1 • Public • Published


Here is a fully customizable navigation bar in React-Native. You can set the global unified style of navigation bar and add it as a react component in each page.


Install by Yarn:

yarn add react-native-fancy-navigation-bar

Install by NPM:

npm install --save react-native-fancy-navigation-bar


First import in the file:

import NaviBar from 'react-native-fancy-navigation-bar';

Then add component in render() function:

render() {
  return (
    <View style={{flex: 1}}>
        {/* other properties if you want to specify it */}
      {/* other components */}

If you want to hide or show navigation bar dynamiclly, you can write these code:

render() {
  return (
    <View style={{flex: 1}}>
      {this.state.showNaviBar && (
          {/* other properties if you want to specify it */}
      {/* other components */}

This navigation bar is only a component with 'relative' position, not 'absolute' position. If you want to use absolute position, please use the 'style' property in following section.


You can import navigation bar height constant like this:

import {STATUSBAR_HEIGHT} from 'react-native-fancy-navigation-bar';

All constant about navigation bar height list below:

Name iOS (X) iOS (not X) Android Description
STATUSBAR_HEIGHT 44 20 0 Only status bar height
NAVBAR_HEIGHT 44 44 44 Only navigation bar height
TOTALBAR_HEIGHT 88 64 44 Total height of status bar and navigation bar

Other constant:

Name Description
GOBACK_BUTTON An identifier when you set 'leftElement' or 'rightElement' to identify the button as GoBack button

Global Settings

You can change the navigation bar settings at the startup, include navigation bar style, GoBack button image and function.

First, you should import methed from library:

import {setCustomStyle} from 'react-native-fancy-navigation-bar';

All the method list below (no return value):

Name Description Param Format
setCustomStyle Set all the style include bar or button or title (key, style):
key: A style key which you can see the following 'Style' section
style: A style object created by StyleSheet or only an javascript object
setGlobalGobackFunc Set GoBack button function (func):
func: A function with no param and no return value
setGlobalGobackImage Set GoBack button image (image):
image: A number which means a local image or a string which is a remote image url

Custom Setting

You can control the action or style of navigation bar by passing 'props'.

PropName Type DefaultValue Description
title string or element '' Title view of text style or user custom view
titleCenter bool true Title is must at center or not
hasSeperatorLine bool true Bottom of navigation bar has a seperator line or not
leftElement string or element or array GOBACK_BUTTON Left buttons, a string means a button of text style, an element means a button view, an array of string means an array of button which maybe text or custom view
rightElement string or string array or element null Right buttons, same format as 'leftElement'
onLeft function undefined Left button click function, param is button index in 'leftElement', from 0 on. If return is false and button is goback button, then do not call the default goback action
onRight function undefined Right button click function, same format as 'onLeft'
autoCloseKeyboard bool true Auto dismiss keyboard when click button or not
navigation navigation object null A stack navigation object used for goback action
style style object {} A custom style which has highest priority, object's key is in following 'Style' section


The component style is consist of three part:

  • User custom style, passed by component props, is highest level.
  • Global setting style, set by method in 'Global Settings' sections, is medium level, can be override by User custom style.
  • Inner style, written in library code, is lowest level, can be override by the two styles above.

All the key you can customize in Global or Custom settings list below:

Key Description DefaultValue
container The whole navigation bar justifyContent: 'space-between'
flexDirection: 'row'
alignItems: 'center'
backgroundColor: 'white'
seperator Seperator line at the bottom borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth
borderBottomColor: '#e6e6ea'
title Inner title text fontSize: 18
color: '#394352'
textAlign: 'center'
overflow: 'hidden'
titleContainer Title container off center flex: 1
justifyContent: 'center'
alignItems: 'center'
titleCenterContainer Title container at center position: 'absolute'
left: 0
right: 0
bottom: 0
justifyContent: 'center'
alignItems: 'center'
buttonView Text-type button touchable view justifyContent: 'center'
alignItems: 'center'
minWidth: minWidth
paddingHorizontal: 8
buttonText Text-type button text color: '#394352'
fontSize: 17
leftView Left view contains all left buttons flexDirection: 'row'
justifyContent: 'center'
alignItems: 'flex-start'
rightView Right view contains all right buttons flexDirection: 'row'
justifyContent: 'center'
alignItems: 'flex-end'
gobackView Goback button touchable view minWidth: minWidth
justifyContent: 'center'
paddingHorizontal: 16
gobackImage Goback button image width: 18
height: 16


This Is A Slightly Modified Version React Native fancy Navigation Bar, All Credits To Gaoxiaosong

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  • benqoder