A User Feedback collection widget for teams to build a better product by learning what their users/customers think about their app, their feature ideas, the issues they're having and much more!
Installation is very simple and the package does not have any dependencies.
yarn add react-native-feedback-fairy
npm install react-native-feedback-fairy
Quick Start
import FairyFeedback from 'react-native-fairy-feedback'
function App() {
return (
API Reference
Here are the props for the Feedback component
type FeedbackProps = {
* Your projectId on - this field is mandatory
* @mandatory
🟩 projectId: string;
* Card title
* @default 'Whats on your mind?'
🟩 title?: string;
* Text shown after user has submitted feedback
* @default 'Your response was saved. Thanks for leaving us valuable feedback!'
🟩 completionText?: string;
* What's the chance that the feedback card will appear 0.1 = 10%
* @default 1
🟩 probability?: number;
* Warning Icon
* @default {uri:base64}
🟩 warningIcon?: ImageSourcePropType;
* Idea Icon
* @default {uri:base64}
🟩 ideaIcon?: ImageSourcePropType;
* Other Icon
* @default {uri:base64}
🟩 otherIcon?: ImageSourcePropType;
* Check Icon that appears on completion
* @default {uri:base64}
🟩 checkIcon?: ImageSourcePropType;
* Very outer container style
🟩 containerStyle?: ViewStyle | ViewStyle[];
* Cards that contains the icons
🟩 cardStyle?: ViewStyle | ViewStyle[];
* Title text style
🟩 titleStyle?: TextStyle | TextStyle[];
* Card title text style
🟩 cardTitleStyle?: TextStyle | TextStyle[];
* When a form is submitted
* @param submittedText - Entered text
🟩 onSubmit?: (submittedText: string) => void;
* When a form is closed by pressing the X icon
🟩 onClose?: () => void;
* Input Style in the second page
🟩 inputContainerStyle?: ViewStyle;
* Pass input props to the input on the second page
* you cannot ovverride onChangeText
🟩 inputProps?: TextInputProps;
🟩 submitButtonTitle?: string;
🟩 submitButtonStyle?: ViewStyle;
🟩 submitButtonTextStyle?: ViewStyle;
🟩 completionTextStyle?: TextStyle | TextStyle[];
* UserId for you to see in feedbackfairy dashboard
🟩 userId?: string;
* User Email for you to see in feedbackfairy dashboard
🟩 userEmail?: string;
* User Phone number for you to see in feedbackfairy dashboard
🟩 userPhoneNumber?: string;