This plugin detects most used color in an image
This package depends on
plugin and if you have already installedreact-native-webview
in your project make sure you have the same versions otherwise you'll get an error. If you faced an error fork this repository and updatereact-native-webview
version. -
Current Version is: ^13.3.0" (24 December 2023)
"dependencies" : {
Your repo url with updated react-native-webview version
"react-native-find-image-color" : "git://",
yarn add react-native-find-image-color
or npm i react-native-find-image-color
import ColorWebview from 'react-native-find-image-color'
onGenerate={color => {
You can get cors error because of some cdn configurations (IE. Amazon S3 Links) but if you convert the links to base64 you can get the colors.
let imagePath: string = ''
const resp = await RNFetchBlob.config({
fileCache: true,
}).fetch('GET', url)
imagePath = resp.path()
const base64 = await resp.readFile('base64')
- If you try webview with
you'll need to remove webview from dom before the shot.
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
Made with create-react-native-library