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1.0.0 • Public • Published



  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. How to use
  4. Props
  5. Demo
  6. License


react-native-horizontal-bar-graphs allows you to easily draw horizontal bar graphs.
In a mobile environment, vertical bar graphs have many space limitations.

The bars are arranged horizontally to make it mobile-friendly.

react-native-horizontal-bar-graphs provides two types of graphs.
For both graphs, you can draw the graph by passing only 1 or 2 required props.
You can also customize it by passing other additional(optional) props.

react-native-horizontal-bar-graphs는 가로 형태의 막대 그래프를 쉽게 그릴 수 있도록 합니다.
모바일 환경에서 세로형태의 막대 그래프는 공간의 제약이 많습니다.

막대를 가로로 배치하여 모바일 환경에 적합하도록 구성했습니다.
react-native-horizontal-bar-graphs는 2가지의 그래프를 제공합니다.
2가지 그래프 모두 1개 또는 2개의 필수 props만 전달하면 그래프를 그릴 수 있습니다.
또한 다른 부가적인 props를 전달하여 커스터마이즈할 수 있습니다.

1. BarGraph

samp_bar_no_anim samp_bar_anim

It is a typical bar graph.
One data is rendered as one bar.
Each bar can display a label, value, or percentage.
You should pass 1 required prop.

2. StackedBar

samp_stack_no_anim samp_stack_anim

Data is stacked and rendered in one bar.
Information about each data is displayed as a list at the bottom of the bar.
You should pass 2 required props.


No dependencies. Just install it

npm install react-native-horizontal-bar-graphs

or if you use yarn

yarn add react-native-horizontal-bar-graphs

How to use

import {BarGraph, IBarGraphData, StackedBar} from 'react-native-horizontal-bar-graphs';

const BAR_DATA: IBarGraphData[] = [
        value: 10,
        label: 'Label 0',
        onPress: (label, value, color) => {
            // your onPresss
        value: 9,
        label: 'Label 1',
        value: 16,
        label: 'Label 2',

// in your component
    // optional props...

    // optional props...



Basic data of graphs.
Used in both <BarGraph/> and <StackedBar/>

prop Required Type Default Description
label O string Label(name) of data
value O number Number of data
color X ColorValue "coral",
Color to be rendered to Bar.
If you do not specify a color, the colors in DEFAULT_COLORS will be applied in a cycle. (modular operation)
NOTE: DEFAULT_COLORS were selected from the Named colors of React Native
onPress X function
(label: string, value: number, color: ColorValue) => void | Promise<void>
A function that runs when the user touches the bar.
label, value, and color are provided as parameters.
NOTE: In BarGraph it is triggered when the bar is touched
NOTE: In StackedBar it is triggered when an item in the list is touched.
NOTE: BarGraph에서는 막대를 터치할때 트리거됩니다.
NOTE: StackedBar에서는 리스트의 아이템을 터치할때 트리거됩니다.


only 1 required prop

prop Required Type Default Description
graphData O IBarGraphData Data to be rendered
style X StyleProp<ViewStyle> Styles for graph containers
title X string Title of graph
NOTE: If title is undefined or an empty string (""), it will not be rendered.
titlePosition X "top" | "bottom" "top" Position of the title
titleStyle X StyleProp<TextStyle> {fontWeight: "bold", fontSize: 20, textAlign: "center", marginVertical: 16} Styles for title
barHeight X number 28 Height of each bar
barHolderColor X ColorValue "#EEEEEE" Placeholder color for bars
barDistance X number 12 Distance between bars
NOTE: excluding the first bar
barDistance (BarGraph only)
barAnimated X boolean true Whether to animate the bar
barAnimateDelay X number 60 Delay time (ms) at which the animation of the bars begins
막대들의 애니메이션이 시작되는 지연 시간 (ms)
barLeftStyle X "rounded" | "square" "rounded" Left style of bar (both colored and holder).
barRightStyle X "rounded" | "square" "rounded" Right style of colored bar.
barHolderRightStyle X "rounded" | "square" "rounded" Right style of placeholder of bar.
showLabel X boolean true Whether to show each label of graphData
labelPosition X "top" | "bottom" "top" Position of each label relative to the bar
막대를 기준으로 각 label의 포지션
labelStlye X StyleProp<TextStyle> { color: "#999999", fontSize: barHeight / 2 } Styles for label
NOTE: By default, fontSize is set to barHeight/2.
NOTE: When you touch the bar, the text color is highlighted in the same color as the bar. If you don't want it, set enableTouchHighlight to false.
showValue X boolean true Whether to show the value above the bar
valuePosition X "left" | "right" "right" Position on the bar where the value is rendered
valuePosition (BarGraph only)
valueSuffixCnt X number 1000 Number to attach suffix when value exceeds valueSuffixCnt
valueSuffixList X string[] ["k", "m", "b", "t"] List of suffix attached to value after dividing value by valueSuffixCnt
showDivider X boolean true Whether to display a divider at certain percentages in the bar's placeholder
dividerInterver X 4 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 25 | 33.3 | 50 20 A number for what percentage of intervals the dividing lines are rendered.
e.g. If set to 20, dividers will be rendered at 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%.
divider가 몇%마다 표시될지
dividerHeight X string | number "60%" Height of divider
When set to "100%", it is equal to the height of the bar
dividerColor X ColorValue "#BBBBBB" Color of divider
dividerWidth X number 1 Width of each divider
percentPosition X "left" | "right" | "none" "right" Position where the percentage corresponding to value is displayed.
NOTE: If it is undefined or "none", it is not rendered.
percentFixed X 0 | 1 | 2 0 A number representing the decimal place of a percentage to be rendered.
e.g.1 Rendered to 50% when set to 0
e.g.2 Rendered to 50.0% when set to 1
e.g.3 Rendered to 50.00% when set to 2
NOTE: this prop is ignored when PercentLabelComponent is passed
퍼센트의 소수점 몇번째 자리까지 표시할지
PercentLabelComponent X ({ value, total, color }: { value: number; total: number, color: ColorValue | undefined }) => ReactElement | null | undefined A React Component to display percentages.
enableTouchHighlight X boolean true Whether to enable color highlighting when a bar or list item is touched.


2 required props. Shares many items with props from BarGraph

prop Required Type Default Description
graphData O IBarGraphData Data to be rendered
totalCnt O number Total number of data.
Used as denominator when calculating percentages.
데이터의 전체 갯수.
퍼센트를 계산할 때 분모로 사용됨.
style X StyleProp<ViewStyle> Styles for graph containers
title X string Title of graph
NOTE: If title is undefined or an empty string (""), it will not be rendered.
titlePosition X "top" | "bottom" "top" Position of the title
titleStyle X StyleProp<TextStyle> {fontWeight: "bold", fontSize: 20, textAlign: "center", marginVertical: 16} Styles for title
barHeight X number 28 Height of each bar
barHolderColor X ColorValue "#EEEEEE" Placeholder color for bars
barAnimated X boolean true Whether to animate the bar
barLeftStyle X "rounded" | "square" "rounded" Left style of bar (both colored and holder).
barRightStyle X "rounded" | "square" "rounded" Right style of colored bar.
barHolderRightStyle X "rounded" | "square" "rounded" Right style of placeholder of bar.
showDivider X boolean true Whether to display a divider at certain percentages in the bar's placeholder
dividerInterver X 4 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 25 | 33.3 | 50 20 A number for what percentage of intervals the dividing lines are rendered
e.g. If set to 20, dividers will be rendered at 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%.
divider가 몇%마다 표시될지
dividerHeight X string | number "60%" Height of divider
When set to "100%", it is equal to the height of the bar
dividerColor X ColorValue "#BBBBBB" Color of divider
dividerWidth X number 1 Width of each divider
percentPosition X "left" | "right" | "none" "right" Position where the percentage corresponding to value is displayed.
NOTE: If it is undefined or "none", it is not rendered.
percentFixed X 0 | 1 | 2 0 A number representing the decimal place of a percentage to be rendered.
e.g.1 Rendered to 50% when set to 0
e.g.2 Rendered to 50.0% when set to 1
e.g.3 Rendered to 50.00% when set to 2
NOTE: this prop is ignored when PercentLabelComponent is passed
퍼센트의 소수점 몇번째 자리까지 표시할지
PercentLabelComponent X ({ value, total, color }: { value: number; total: number, color: ColorValue | undefined }) => ReactElement | null | undefined A React Component to display percentages.
enableTouchHighlight X boolean true Whether to enable color highlighting when a bar or list item is touched.
showList X boolean true Whether to render a list of graphData
listAnimated X boolean true Whether to run animations when the list is displayed
listContainerStyle X StyleProp<ViewStyle> Style of list container
ListItemComponent X (props: IStackedCustomListItemProps) => ReactElement A React Component that renders custom list items.
ListItemComponent (StackedBar Only)


barLeftStyle, barRightStyle, barHolderRightStyle

Rounded - Default

BarGraph StackedBar
bar_percent_default stacked_rrr
<BarGraph // same as StackedBar
  // other props...


BarGraph StackedBar
bar_sss stack_sss
<BarGraph // same as StackedBar
  // other props...

Mixed style 1

BarGraph StackedBar
bar_rsr stack_rsr
<BarGraph // same as StackedBar
  // other props...

Mixed style 2

BarGraph StackedBar
bar_srr stack_srr
<BarGraph // same as StackedBar
  // other props...


recommend using fixed-width styles.
value, total, and color are provided to calculate the percentage.
NOTE: Color may be passed undefined.
NOTE: Only the PercentLabelComponent that will be rendered on the right or left sides of the StackedBar has an undefined color.
NOTE: The color of BarGraph.PercentLabelComponent is not undefined

NOTE: color는 undefined로 전달될 수 있습니다.
NOTE: StackedBar의 오른쪽이나 왼쪽에 렌더될 PercentLabelComponent만 color가 undefined입니다.
NOTE: BarGraph.PercentLabelComponent의 color는 undefined아닙니다

BarGraph StackedBar
<BarGraph // same as StackedBar
  PercentLabelComponent={({value, total, color}) => {
    return (
          width: 70, // recommended to use `fixed width styles`
          fontSize: 16,
          textAlign: 'right',
          fontWeight: 'bold',
          color: color,
          fontStyle: 'italic',
          textDecorationLine: 'underline',
        {((value / total) * 100).toFixed(1) + '%'}


If you don't want this effect, set enableTouchHighlight to false. (default is true)

BarGraph StackedBar
bar_highlight stack_highlight

barDistance (BarGraph only)

Default barDistance={24}
bar_distance bar_distance_24
  barDistance={24} // default : 12
  // other props...

valuePosition (BarGraph only)

Default valuePosition="left"
bar_val_right bar_val_left
  valuePosition="left" // default: "right"
  // other props...

valueSuffixCnt & valueSuffixList (BarGraph only)

valueSuffixCnt & valueSuffixList are used for simplicity depending on the digits.

Suppose the valueSuffixCnt is 1000, and the valueSuffixList is ["k", "m", "b", "t"].
e.g.1. The number 1234 is expressed as "1.2k". (up to the first decimal place)
e.g.2. The number 20000000 is expressed by "20m".

NOTE: valueSuffixCnt <= 0 means No Suffix.
e.g.1. The number 1234 is expressed as "1,234".
e.g.2. The number 20000000 is expressed by "20,000,000".

ListItemComponent (StackedBar Only)

If you want to use your own custom list items, use this ListItemComponent.
For performance, I strongly recommend wrapping your custom component with React.memo()

Default Custom ListItem Custom ListItem
stack_list_dd stack_list_cd stack_list_cc
defalut PercentLabelComponent defalut PercentLabelComponent custom PercentLabelComponent

The following props of ListItemComponent are passed:

export interface IStackedCustomListItemProps {
 readonly label: string;
 readonly value: number;
 readonly color: ColorValue;
 readonly index: number;
 readonly totalCnt: number;
 readonly onTouching: (index: number, isTouched: boolean) => void;
 readonly PercentLabelComponent: PercentLabelComp;

If you want to use the same color highlight effect as when using enableTouchHighlight,
implement onPressIn() and onPressOut() of your TouchableComponents (such as TouchableOpacity or TouchableHighlight) using props.onTouching() as follows:

 // To use `TouchHighlight`, implement `onPressIn` and `onPressOut` as follows:
 onPressIn={() => props.onTouching(props.index, true)}
 onPressOut={() => props.onTouching(props.index, false)}
 onPress={() => {}}>

If you passed your PercentLabelComponent as the props of StackedBar,
the same(your) PercentLabelComponent will be passed as the props of ListItemComponent.

If you did NOT pass a PercentLabelComponent as the props of StackedBar,
the default PercentLabelComponent will be passed as the props of ListItemComponent.

Full sample code of using ListItemComponent

const _ListItem = useCallback<StackedCustomListItem>(
  (listProps: IStackedCustomListItemProps) => {
    const {
    } = listProps;
    return (
        // To use `TouchHighlight`, implement `onPressIn` and `onPressOut` as follows:
        onPressIn={() => onTouching(index, true)}
        onPressOut={() => onTouching(index, false)}
        onPress={() => {}}>
            marginVertical: 8,
            flexDirection: 'row',
            alignItems: 'baseline',
            justifyContent: 'space-between',
          <Text style={{fontSize: 18, fontWeight: 'bold', color: color}}>
              width: 70,
              flexDirection: 'row',
              alignItems: 'baseline',
              justifyContent: 'flex-end',
            <Text style={{fontSize: 16, fontWeight: 'bold'}}>{value}</Text>
            <Text style={{fontSize: 12}}>{' / ' + totalCnt}</Text>

// For performance,
// I strongly recommend wrapping your custom component with React.memo()
const ListItem = React.memo(_ListItem);

return (
 // return statement in your components
 // or return statement of render() in your components
 // ...
   totalCnt={dataTotalCnt + 30}
   title="This is Title"
   PercentLabelComponent={({value, total, color}) => {
     return (
           width: 70,
           fontSize: 16,
           textAlign: 'right',
           fontWeight: 'bold',
           color: color,
           fontStyle: 'italic',
           textDecorationLine: 'underline',
         {((value / total) * 100).toFixed(1) + '%'}
   listContainerStyle={{marginTop: 16}}


MIT license

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  • jung-youngmin