React Native Components by MustBeApp
Works on iOS and Android.
Getting started
$ npm install react-native-mba --save
Expo example
- FacebookLogin
How to use
; const fbLogin = thisrefs; fbLogin; <View> <TouchableOpacity onPress=thishandleFacebookLogin> <Text>FacebookLogin</Text> </TouchableOpacity> <FacebookLogin ref="fbLogin" clientId="830435910451170" redirectUri=""/> </View>
- SelectListView
How to use
; const selectList = thisrefs; selectList; ; <View> <TouchableOpacity onPress=thishandleSelectListView> <Text>SelectListView</Text> </TouchableOpacity> <SelectListView ref="selectList" onItemSelected=thisonItemPicked selectionBoxStyle=stylesselectionBox data= name: 'Item 0: React' name: 'Item 1: Native' name: 'Item 2: is' name: 'Item 3: Awesome' name: 'Item 4: React-Native-Mba' name: 'Item 5: Another one' placeholder="select list view" /> </View>