
0.1.2 • Public • Published


A flexible way to show several types of popup views in React Native.

  • Easy to integrate, easy to use
  • Less code in component
  • Customizable in many ways




If using yarn:

yarn add react-native-popup-view

If using npm:

npm i react-native-popup-view


Wrap App in the PopupProvider

import {PopupProvider} from 'react-native-popup';

export default function App() {
  return (
      <App />

Declare with usePopup

import {usePopup} from 'react-native-popup';
const {showToast} = usePopup();
const onPress = () => {
    message: 'This is a toast',
    toastType: TOAST_TYPE.SUCCESS,


Generic params

Name Type Description
showOverlay Boolean display a gray translucent full screen overlay
disableDismiss Boolean disable default touch to dismiss feature
onDismissStart Function called on the start of dismiss animation
onDismissEnd Function called on the end of dismiss animation
onShowStart Function called on the start of display animation
onShowEnd Function called on the end of display animation

Actionsheet Params

Name Type Description
options Array an array of ActionSheetOption, which has title, subtitle, onPress and isDestructive
actionViews Array alternative to options, take a list of customized option view. It could be anything
headerView React element header view of the action sheet
containerStyle style object layout style of the action sheet wrapper

ActionSheetOption Prams

Name Type Description
title String title of the action
subtitle String subtitle of the action
disabled Boolean determine if this action is clickable
onPress Function callback function
actionStyle style object style of the action view
actionTitleStyle style object style of title text
actionSubtitleStyle style object style of subtitle text

FloatingView Params

Name Type Description
anchorPoint object coordinate in the form of {x, y}
popupDirection POPUP_DIRECTION towards which direction the pop up view should be displayed
customView React element the actual view needs to be displayed

Modal Prams

Name Type Description
message String text message shown in toast
customView React element the actual view needs to be displayed

Toast Params

Name Type Description
showDismiss Boolean determine dismiss button visibility. default true
toastType TOAST_TYPE one of the toast type with preset style
toastStyle style object customize toast style
duration Integer duration before toast is dismissed, in milliseconds, default to 3000
position TOAST_POSITION toast display position, default to top

Tooltip Params

Name Type Description
anchorPoint object coordinate in the form of {x, y}
popupDirection POPUP_DIRECTION towards which direction the pop up view should be displayed
text String text to be displayed in the tool tip
style style object customize tooltip style


Pull requests are welcome! Open a new GitHub issue for any bug or suggestion.


Xiao Ma



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npm i react-native-popup-view

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  • xiaoist