A flexible way to show several types of popup views in React Native.
- Easy to integrate, easy to use
- Less code in component
- Customizable in many ways
If using yarn:
yarn add react-native-popup-view
If using npm:
npm i react-native-popup-view
Wrap App
in the PopupProvider
import {PopupProvider} from 'react-native-popup';
export default function App() {
return (
<App />
Declare with usePopup
import {usePopup} from 'react-native-popup';
const {showToast} = usePopup();
const onPress = () => {
message: 'This is a toast',
Generic params
Name | Type | Description |
showOverlay | Boolean | display a gray translucent full screen overlay |
disableDismiss | Boolean | disable default touch to dismiss feature |
onDismissStart | Function | called on the start of dismiss animation |
onDismissEnd | Function | called on the end of dismiss animation |
onShowStart | Function | called on the start of display animation |
onShowEnd | Function | called on the end of display animation |
Actionsheet Params
Name | Type | Description |
options | Array | an array of ActionSheetOption, which has title, subtitle, onPress and isDestructive |
actionViews | Array | alternative to options, take a list of customized option view. It could be anything |
headerView | React element | header view of the action sheet |
containerStyle | style object | layout style of the action sheet wrapper |
ActionSheetOption Prams
Name | Type | Description |
title | String | title of the action |
subtitle | String | subtitle of the action |
disabled | Boolean | determine if this action is clickable |
onPress | Function | callback function |
actionStyle | style object | style of the action view |
actionTitleStyle | style object | style of title text |
actionSubtitleStyle | style object | style of subtitle text |
FloatingView Params
Name | Type | Description |
anchorPoint | object | coordinate in the form of {x, y} |
popupDirection | POPUP_DIRECTION | towards which direction the pop up view should be displayed |
customView | React element | the actual view needs to be displayed |
Modal Prams
Name | Type | Description |
message | String | text message shown in toast |
customView | React element | the actual view needs to be displayed |
Toast Params
Name | Type | Description |
showDismiss | Boolean | determine dismiss button visibility. default true |
toastType | TOAST_TYPE | one of the toast type with preset style |
toastStyle | style object | customize toast style |
duration | Integer | duration before toast is dismissed, in milliseconds, default to 3000 |
position | TOAST_POSITION | toast display position, default to top |
Tooltip Params
Name | Type | Description |
anchorPoint | object | coordinate in the form of {x, y} |
popupDirection | POPUP_DIRECTION | towards which direction the pop up view should be displayed |
text | String | text to be displayed in the tool tip |
style | style object | customize tooltip style |
Pull requests are welcome! Open a new GitHub issue for any bug or suggestion.
Xiao Ma