Swipeable deck with realistic physics, based on NYer Today app's cartoons swipe deck. See a write up of how this library works!
Change Log
v0.1.3 Allow touchables composed within cards, fix android undefined rotation transform
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Installation and Usage
npm i react-native-realistic-deck-swiper
const Data = id: "1" id: "2" id: "3" id: "4" id: "5" Component { return <View style= width: 300 height: 400 borderRadius: 5 display: 'flex' alignItems: 'center' justifyContent: 'center' > <Text style= fontSize: 80 >itemid</Text> </View> } { return <View style= flex: 1 > <Swiper cardsData=Data renderCard=this_renderCard containerStyle= flex: 1 alignItems: 'center' justifyContent: 'center' style= margin: 20 backgroundColor: 'white' borderColor: 'black' borderWidth: 1 borderRadius: 5 /> </View> ; }
Deck and Card Props
Props | required | type | description | default |
cardsData | required | array | data array | |
renderCard | required | function | render function, receives cardsData element | |
deckSize | optional | integer | number of cards rendered and visible at a time | 3 |
offsetAngleMin | optional | integer | minimum vertical angle offset of cards in degrees | -4 |
offsetAngleMax | optional | integer | maximum vertical angle offset of cards in degrees | 4 |
infiniteSwipe | optional | boolean | renderCard cycles through cardsData infinitely | true |
startIndex | optional | integer | cardsData index for first card | 0 |
velocityThreshold | optional | positive number | velocity magnitude - compared to gesture velocity magnitude at release to determine successful or unsuccessful swipe | 0.4 |
Animation Props
Props | required | type | description | default |
rotationMultiplier | optional | positive number | multiplier to rotational animation input range, > 1 will slow down rotation animation, < 1 will speed up | 1 |
topCardAnimationDuration | optional | positive number | milisecond duration of top card animation after successful swipe (flying away) | 1000 |
bottomCardAnimationDuration | optional | positive number | milisecond duration of bottom card animation | 500 |
springConstants | optional | object | control reset animation on unsuccessful swipe, object signature: { stiffness, damping, mass } | {stiffness: 50, damping: 30, mass: 0.5} |
Callbacks Props
Props | required | type | description | default |
onSwipeStart | optional | function | callback function to be called on successful card swipe, with current index | |
onSwiped | optional | function | callback function to be called after successful card swipe, with velocity vector object {vx, vy} | |
onSwipedAll | optional | function | callback function to be called after successful last card swipe regardless of infiniteSwipe prop | |
onReset | optional | function | callback function to be called on unsuccessful card swipe, with velocity vector object {vx, vy} |
Card Style Props
*style objects can be modified but default properties cannot be changed
Props | required | type | description | default |
style | optional | object | card style object | |
containerStyle | optional | object | Swiper container view style object | {position: absolute*, transform: []*, zIndex: number*} |
Anh Vo
This project is licensed under the MIT License.