a RN component make list come back to top. (一个使列表回到顶部的RN组件)
npm install --save react-native-scrolltotop
Usage example
see the example/example.js for a more detailed example.
; //first set default state in your constructor { //... thisstate = isShowToTop: false ; } //then bind a method to detect the scroll distance of your listView //set ref with 'listview' <ListView ref="listview" onScroll=this style=styleslistView renderScrollComponent={ return <ScrollView style=stylesViewPort ...props/> }/> //here is the _onScrol method { var offsetY = enativeEventcontentOffsety; ifoffsetY > 100 this else this } //use it with your listView together <View style=flex:1> <View style=stylesheader> <Text style=stylesheaderText>消息列表</Text> </View> listView thisstateisShowToTop?<ScrollTopView root=this ></ScrollTopView>:null </View>
Prop | Type | Optional | Default | Description |
root | require | current component | ||
width | number | Yes | 60 | use in both the button and the image if you have |
height | number | Yes | 60 | use in both the button and the image if you have |
bgColor | string | Yes | '#099fde' | backgroundColor of button, |
isRadius | bool | Yes | true | whether need a borderRadius of your button |
bdRadius | number | Yes | 30 | borderRadius of your button |
left | number | Yes | Dimensions.get('window').width - 80 | distance from the left |
top | number | Yes | Dimensions.get('window'.height - 160 | distance from the top |
use Text
Prop | Type | Optional | Default | Description |
color | string | Yes | '#ffffff' | color of your text |
fontSize | number | Yes | 12 | fontSize of your text |
use Image
Prop | Type | Optional | Default | Description |
width | number | Yes | 60 | same with button |
height | number | Yes | 60 | same with button |
imageUri | string | Yes | a base64 img | uri of your Image |
if it is useful to you, let me know 😄.