
1.1.33 • Public • Published

React Native Search Engine

Alert the library is subject to change at least the next 2 months.

>> Examples

It is a type of search engine like the "html5's browsers input", it can be used to auto-complete words or to search for elements within an array or object.

option 1 option 2 option 3 option 3


React Native Search Engine Component

Name Description Default Type Criterion
searchKey If you are working with an array of objects and you want to search by a specific property that all objects have in common, can put something like '' "" String Optional
value If you want me to submit an initial search "" String Optional
data The data to searching [ ] Array Optional
textInfoStyle Text information styles { } Object Optional
buttonEnabled If you want show or not the button true Boolean Optional
showAllMode If you want to show all options when it can't find anything false Boolean Optional
showNoResults Doesn't show the options, but the onChange Element gives me the filtered data false Boolean Optional
textInputStyle Input text styles { } Object Optional
placeholder Help text 'Search' String Optional
containerInputStyle Styles of input text containing { } Object Optional
containerTextInfoStyle Styles of information text containing { } Object Optional
containerTextError Styles of input text containing { } Object Optional
textInfoStyleError Styles of information text containing { } Object Optional
containerScrollStyle Text tag container stylesl { } Object Optional
containerButtonStyle Options display styles { } Object Optional
containerIconStyle Icon Styles { } Object Optional
onChangeSearch Get the text or object onChangeSearch={object => setOption(object)} Function Optional
customizeComponentInput Used to return an input component customizeComponentInput Object Optional
customizComponenteResult It is used to return an output component ({ valueResult, element }) => < CustomizComponenteResult/> Function Optional
leftIcon This is used to customize the icon () => < leftIcon/> Function Optional
error you can set if have or no error false Boolean Optional

When you want to customize the component you need set this customizeComponentInput object:

Name Description Default Type Criterion
InputCutom It is the input component that you want to set undefine Array Optional
addPropsInput The properties that you want to pass to the custom component undefine Object Optional


Strings beginning with the following characters will not be found:

1 +
2 :
3 (
4 *
5 ?
6 \
7 [
8 .
9 ^
10 |
11 )

How Implement

accessibility text

Simpler way

accessibility text accessibility text accessibility text accessibility text

      onChangeSearch={object => setOption(object)}

Complexer way

accessibility text

    import { Icon } from 'native-base';
      onChangeSearch={object => setOption(object)}
      leftIcon={() => <Icon name="arrow-down" />}



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Johan Navarro |



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  • jsnavarroc