
1.1.2 • Public • Published


Getting started


  1. npm install react-native-square-pos --save or yarn add react-native-square-pos
  2. react-native link

iOS Installation

  1. Add RNSquarePos to your Podfile: pod 'RNSquarePos', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-square-pos', and run pod install
  2. In the "Getting Started" section from Square Docs, complete the following sections: "Update your Info.plist", and "Register your app with Square". Take note of the URL Scheme and the Application ID.
  3. Make sure you've modified AppDelegate.m to include RCTLinking.

Android Installation

  1. Follow "Step 2: Register your application" in Square Android docs.
  2. Take note of your Application ID (this is found in the Square Developer dashboard, under "Credentials")


Import the package

import SquarePOS from 'react-native-square-pos'

Configure the package

  applicationId: 'Your Square application ID',
  callbackUrl: 'yourUrlScheme://some-unique-path'

Make a transaction

const amountInCents = 100
const currency = 'CAD' // 🇨🇦
const options = {
  tenderTypes: [
  note: 'This note shows up on the transaction',
  locationId: 'Optionally pass location Id', // only on iOS at the moment
SquarePOS.transaction(amountInCents, currency, options)
  .then((result) => {
      // the transaction was successful
      const { transactionId, clientTransactionId } = result
  .catch((err) => {
      // the transaction failed. 
      // see error codes below.
      const { errorCode } = err


There are a number of different error codes, which may differ on Android / iOS. Eventually, an exhaustive list should be compiled here. For now, here are the important ones:

  • CANNOT_OPEN_SQUARE: The user doesn't have the Square POS app installed
  • NOT_LOGGED_IN: The user isn't logged into a Square account
  • USER_NOT_ACTIVE: Not totally sure what this does
  • PAYMENT_CANCELLED: The payment got cancelled from within the app
  • NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION: No network connection on the phone
  • AMOUNT_TOO_SMALL: amountInCents was too small (iOS only)
  • AMOUNT_TOO_LARGE: amountInCents was too large (iOS only)
  • INVALID_REQUEST: Square Point-of-Sale couldn't process the request (because of malformed data or other) (Android only, check err.squareResponse for more information)

Additionally, because this is a young project:

  • UNKNOWN_ANDROID_ERROR, if the response from Square Android SDK if the response wasn't handled by this package. On Android, you'll have access to err.squareResponse to see the entire response data sent back from Square Point-of-Sale.
  • UNKNOWN_IOS_ERROR, if the response from Square iOS SDK wasn't handled by this package.

Package Sidebar


npm i react-native-square-pos

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  • connorbode