Open a Terminal in the project root and run:
yarn add react-native-gestures-recognizer
or if you use npm
npm install react-native-gestures-recognizer
If you are using Expo, you are done.
If you don't use Expo, install and link react-native-gesture-handler.
name | required | default | description |
config | no | the config object (todo) | |
onSwipe | no | null | The function that runs on every swipe and returns swipeDirection and PanGestureHandlerGestureEvent |
onSwipeUp | no | null | The function that runs when a SWIPE_UP is detected. |
onSwipeLeft | no | null | The function that runs when a SWIPE_LEFT is detected. |
onSwipeRight | no | null | The function that runs when a SWIPE_RIGHT is detected. |
onSwipeDown | no | null | The function that runs when a SWIPE_DOWN is detected. |
More complex examples can be found in the Example
yarncd Exampleyarnyarn start