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React Native Type Animation

React Native Type Animation is a component library that allows you to create engaging typewriter-style text animations in your React Native applications.

npm version


npm install react-native-type-animation

Or, if you prefer yarn:

yarn add react-native-type-animation


The docs can be found here:


import { TypeAnimation } from 'react-native-type-animation';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
        { text: 'One' },
        { text: 'One Two' },
          action: () => {
            console.log('Finished first two sequences');
        { text: 'One Two Three' },
        { text: 'One Two' },
        { text: 'One' },
        color: 'white',
        backgroundColor: 'green',
        fontSize: 30,

export default MyComponent;


The following props allows you to configure the properties for the type animation component. It allows you to define an animation sequence, control the speed and behavior of the animation, and customize the appearance of the cursor.

Prop Required Type Default Description
blinkSpeed no Number 500 The speed at which the cursor blinks (in milliseconds).
cursor no Boolean true Whether to display the cursor.
cursorStyle no TextStyle Additional styles for the cursor.
delayBetweenSequence no Number 100 Delay between animation sequences (in milliseconds).
direction no String front Specifies the direction in which to perform the typing/deleting animation. It accepts two possible values: 'front' and 'back'.
initialDelay no Number 0 The delay before the animation begins (in milliseconds).
loop no Boolean false Whether to loop the typing animation indefinitely.
onCharTyped no Function Callback function triggered when a character is typed.
onCharDeleted no Function Callback function triggered when a character is deleted.
preRenderText no String None Specifies the initial text to display.
repeat no Number 1 The number of times to repeat the sequence.
sequence yes Array An array of objects defining the text to be typed and animation options.
splitter no Function A function to split text into individual characters or chunks for typing.
style no TextStyle Additional styles for the typewriter animation container.
typeSpeed no Number 100 The speed at which characters are typed.
deletionSpeed no Number 100 The speed at which characters are deleted.

sequence Array

The sequence prop is an array of objects, where each object defines a part of the animation sequence. It can contain the following properties:

  • action: A function to execute as part of the sequence. This can be used as a callback to perform actions during the animation.

  • text: The text to display or type in the sequence.

  • delayBetweenSequence: The delay between the current sequence (in milliseconds) and the next. The default is 100, but you can specify a custom value for individual sequences.

  • deleteCount: The number of characters to delete before typing (backspacing).

  • deletionSpeed: The speed at which characters are deleted from this sequence (backspace speed, in milliseconds). The default is 100, but you can specify a custom value for individual sequences.

  • typeSpeed: The speed at which characters are typed in this sequence(typing speed, in milliseconds). The default is 100, but you can specify a custom value for individual sequences.

direction String

The direction prop specifies the direction in which to perform the typing/deleting animation. It accepts two possible values: 'front' and 'back'.

splitter Function

The splitter prop is a function that can be used to split text into individual characters or chunks for typing. This allows you to control how the text is broken down during the animation.

repeat Number

The repeat prop determines how many times the entire animation sequence should be repeated. The default is 1, meaning the sequence is played once.

loop Boolean

The loop prop, when set to true, causes the typing animation to loop indefinitely. If set to false (the default), the animation will play only once.

blinkSpeed Number

The blinkSpeed prop controls the speed at which the cursor blinks. The default is 500 milliseconds, but you can adjust this value as needed.

style TextStyle

The style prop allows you to provide additional styles for the typewriter animation container. You can customize the appearance of the entire animation component using this prop.

cursorStyle TextStyle

The cursorStyle prop is used to apply additional styles to the cursor element. This lets you customize the appearance of the cursor, such as its color and size.

cursor Boolean

The cursor prop determines whether the cursor is displayed during the animation. By default, it is set to true, but you can set it to false if you don't want to display the cursor.

onCharTyped Callback

This callback function is triggered each time a character is typed. It receives an object as an argument containing two properties:

  • character: The character that was just typed.
  • currentText: The current state of the text after the character has been typed.

onCharDeleted Callback

This callback function is triggered each time a character is deleted. It receives an object as an argument containing two properties:

  • character: The character that was just deleted.
  • currentText: The current state of the text after the character has been deleted.

Note: When using the sequence prop, you can define complex typing animations with different text, delays, and actions. Each object in the sequence array represents a step in the animation.

Example usage of TypeAnimationProps:

const animationProps = {
  sequence: [
    { text: 'Hello, ', typeSpeed: 100 },
    { text: 'World!', typeSpeed: 150, delayBetweenSequence: 500 },
  delayBetweenSequence: 200,
  repeat: 2,
  blinkSpeed: 400,
  cursorStyle: { color: 'red' },
const animationProps = {
  sequence: [
    { text: 'Hello World!', typeSpeed: 100 },
    { text: 'Hola World!', typeSpeed: 150, delayBetweenSequence: 500 },
  delayBetweenSequence: 200,
  loop: true,
  blinkSpeed: 400,
  cursorStyle: { color: 'red' },
  direction: 'back',


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.



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  • benjamineruvieru