
0.1.2 • Public • Published

React Native useDatabase

A wrapper around a React state and AsyncStorage that basically creates an in-memory database that stays synced with a collection in AsyncStorage.


First, add it to your project as you normally would.

$ yarn add react-native-use-database

Make sure to also add the peer dependencies: @react-native-community/async-storage and uuid:

$ yarn add @react-native-community/async-storage uuid

Finally, you can import it into your project.

import useDatabase from "react-native-use-database";

Example Useage

Creating the database

Next, simply use the hook as so.

const Database = useDatabase<IMyCustomInterface>('my_somethings');

Listing and finding items

All items exist as an in-memory array that you can access simply by interacting with Database.items like so:

  const someItem = Database.items.find(item => item.firstName === "Snuffy")

Inserting items

You can insert an item simply by calling Database.insert(someItem). If your item does not have an id property, then the insert() function will generate a UUID string for you and return it:

  const itemId: string = await Database.insert(someItem);

Updating items

To update an item, simply call await Database.update(someItem). The database will find an item in the database that has the same id as the one you passed to the update() function and will overwrite it with the one you passed.

Removing items

Removing an item is as easy as passing the ID of the item you wish to remove: await Database.remove(someItemId).

Replacing the entire collection

If you're refreshing the database with a list you got from somewhere else, or if you're re-ordering the list, then you can overwrite the entire database by calling await Database.overwrite(myNewArrayOfItems).


Don't let the database get too big. Neither state nor AsyncStorage is a good way to manage a large list, or a list of large objects. For everyday useage, though, you shouldn't have any problems.

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  • nbaughman