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Welcome your user with useful instructions. Check out these screenshots:

Welcome Screen Middle Screen Just Another Screen As many as you want Last Screen

Getting started

Simply add it as a dependency:

$ npm install --save react-native-welcome

Or if you're using yarn:

$ yarn add react-native-welcome

That's it! You're ready to go!


Simply import it:

import Welcome from "react-native-welcome";

And then Use it in a screen, you must need to set your screen so that it can take entire screen. It will take as much as it gets:

<Welcome />


It has a default starter appearance. But you can always modify it as much as you want by utilizing these props:

  • bgColor: Defines the color of entire background. Default is set to #fff

  • children: Pass the elements as children to show them on the screen individually.

  <Text>Peace be upon you</Text>
  <Text>Make something great</Text>
  <Text>Pass your elements as children to control this area</Text>
  <Text>Once you are done, can skip it</Text>
  • elementContainerStyle: Defines the styling of the each elements' container mentioned above. Defaults to:
    flex: 1,
    width: SCREEN_WIDTH,
  • barBgColor: The background color of the StatusBar. Defaults to #eee

  • barStyle: The style of the StatusBar content. Defaults to dark-content. Also can be light-content(React native defaults)

  • showIndicator: Show indicators for the each screens. Defaults to false, can be true

  • onDone: is invoked when the user goes at the last screen and choose to finish the welcome screens

  • navStyle: Defines the styling for the nav for the screens. Defaults to:

    padding: 20,
    borderTopWidth: 2,
    backgroundColor: "#eee",
    borderColor: "#333"
  • prevArrow: Defines the element for previous screen button. Can be anything.

  • nextArrow: Defines the element for screen screen button. Can be anything.

  • doneIcon: Defines the element for finished screen button. Can be anything.

  • dotColor: Defines the color of the active dots in the nav. Defaults to #fff

  • dotBg: Defines the color of the inactive dots in the nav. Defaults to #000

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  • zonayedpca