Wechat's Xlog framework for RN.
You can send log to Xlog, and manager Xlog lifecycle. Handle js/native crash log in production builds.
attention: you will see the crash log only when you restart your app
- iOS: send log to xlog for js function
- iOS: RCTLog output to xlog
- iOS: crash message output to xlog
- android: send log to xlog for js function
- android: RCTLog output to xlog
- android: crash message output in the xlog
Get Start
Add it to your project
- Run
npm i -S react-native-xlog
- Add Xlog to you project.
Linking iOS
run react-native link react-native-xlog
to link the library.
Header Search Paths
does not have the$(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native/React
, linking may fail.
- config gradle script
- add dependency in android/app/build.gradle
dependencies { compile fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"]) compile "" compile "com.facebook.react:react-native:+" // From node_modules compile "com.tencent.mars:mars-xlog:1.0.4" //<--add here compile project(":react-native-xlog") //<--add here}
- add react-native-xlog project in root project's settings.gradle
include ':react-native-xlog'project(':react-native-xlog').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-xlog/android')
- add variables in root project's build.gradle
- add XLogPackage
- init xlog settings.
JS has to exception type: fatal exception(just throw JavascriptException in native) and soft exception(use FLog.e in native). you can find this from RN source file: and support you two init way:
- XLogModule.init(xLogSetting): normal log, include FLog
- XLogModule.initWithNativeCrashInclude(xLogSetting, this): normal log and crash log (JS fatal exception and native uncaught exception)
- if your want to log early, rather than delay to RNView render done, your can turn on xlog early, just add in Application's onCreate() after XLogModule init done.
import Xlog from 'react-native-xlog';
Xlog.verbose('tag', 'log');
Xlog.debug('tag', 'log');'tag', 'log');
Xlog.warn('tag', 'log');
Xlog.error('tag', 'log');
Xlog.fatal('tag', 'log');
Decode log file
Use this script to decode log file:
- myapp.mmap2
- myapp_20170723.xlog
python ~/Downloads/log/myapp_20170723.xlog