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1.0.5 • Public • Published

React Overlay Modal

A minimalistic, super lightweight and accessible React modal library that offers robust type safety. This headless solution gives you full flexibility to integrate your own content and styles without worrying about z-index or complex configurations.


  1. No dependencies other than React.
  2. Fully accessible with proper ARIA attributes.
  3. Lightweight and headless (no pre-applied styles).
  4. Typescript support for type safety.
  5. Minimal configuration with support for custom styling.


View the Demo


npm i react-overlay-modal

Wrap the root app with ModalProvider

import { StrictMode } from "react"
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client"
import App from "./App.tsx"
import { ModalProvider } from "react-overlay-modal"

      <App />


import { useModal } from "react-overlay-modal"

function ModalContent() {
  const { closeModal } = useModal()
  return (
      <h2> Welcome to Cool Modal!</h2>
        className="btn secondary"
         Close Modal

export default function Page() {
  const { showModal } = useModal()
  return (
      className="btn primary"
      onClick={() => showModal({
        content: <ModalContent />,
        size: "md"
       Open Cool Modal



Property Type Default Value Description
size ModalSize "md" Specifies the size of the modal (see ModalSize).
disableOutsideClick boolean false If true, disables clicking outside the modal to close it.
content ReactElement The content to display inside the modal.
className string undefined Pass class to handle the overlay style.
bodyProps ModalBodyProps undefined See body props for more details (see ModalBodyProps)

Modal Size

Value Description
sm Small modal size.
md Medium modal size. (default)
lg Large modal size.
xl Extra-large modal size.
2xl Double extra-large modal size.
3xl Triple extra-large modal size.
full Fullscreen modal.

Modal Body Props

Property Description
className Optional string for CSS class name
aria-labelledby Optional string to reference labeling element(s)
aria-describedby Optional string to reference describing element(s)
aria-hidden Optional boolean to hide from assistive tech
aria-live Optional region updates announcement: "off", "polite", or "assertive"
aria-modal Optional boolean indicating if element is modal
aria-role Optional string defining element's ARIA role
tabIndex Optional number for tab order
role Optional string defining element's role
onKeyDown Optional keyboard event handler
onFocus Optional focus event handler
id Optional string identifier
style Optional React CSS properties object
onClick Optional mouse click event handler

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  • raiyyan