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1.14.0 • Public • Published


Simplify coding your react-router-dom <Routes/> and <NavLinks/> by using attributes in your component.

How it works

You provide page components containing title and path attributes, and pass them to the package as an array. The package will map the pages to a React-Router component and handle setup for both react router-routes and react-router links.



npm install react-page-routes

Install react-router-dom and prepare a context provider in a parent component:

npm install react-router-dom
// index.tsx
import { BrowserRouter } from "react-router-dom";

ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root") as HTMLElement).render(
    <App />

1. Create Page Components

Add both path and title attributes to all of your Page Components.

Shop.path = '/shop'
Shop.title = 'Shop Now!'

export default function Shop() {
  return <h1>Shop Now Page</h1>

The path will be provided to <Route path={}> in the Pages component and <NavLink to={}> in the NavBar component.

The title will be provided to <NavLink>{title}</Navlink> in the NavBar component

2. Create a directory index of all pages

  1. Create Directory.ts file.
  2. Import the directory function.
  3. Import all of your page components
  4. Invoke the directory function, passing all of your page components as props.
  5. export default the results
// Directory.ts

import { routes } from 'react-page-routes'
import Home from './Pages/Home'
import Shop from './Pages/Shop'

export default routes(
  // <- add in any additional Page Components here.

3. Use in your App

  1. Import the Directory.ts file from step 2
  2. Use the Navbar for handling <NavLinks/>
  3. Use Pages for handling react-router <Routes/>
// App.tsx
import { Directory } from './Directory'

function App() {
  return (
      <Directory.NavBar />
      <Directory.Pages />

4. Customize with a Mapper Function (Optional)

// App.tsx
import { Directory } from './Directory'

const MyCustomPagesMapper = (E) => (
  <Route element={<E />} path={'path' in E ? String(E.path) : ''} key={String(} />

const MyCustomNavBarMapper = (E) => (
  <NavLink key={E.path.toString()} to={E.path.toString()}>

function App() {
  return (
      <Directory.NavBar map={MyCustomNavBarMapper} />
      <Directory.Pages map={MyCustomPagesMapper} />


Thanks for trying out this package. Additional questions/ideas/suggestions/contributions are welcome. Visit the github repository issues page, please select relevant Labels

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  • mrdobson