A simple-to-use React component for implementing peer-to-peer chatting, powered by peerjs.
- Peer-to-peer chat without requiring knowledge of WebRTC
- Easy integration
- Supports persistent text chat across page reloads
- Recovers old chats upon reconnection
- Option to clear chat on command
- Supports audio/voice chat
- Multiple peer connections. See multi-peer usage
- Fully customizable. See usage with FaC
To install react-peer-chat
# with npm:
npm install react-peer-chat --save
# with yarn:
yarn add react-peer-chat
# with pnpm:
pnpm add react-peer-chat
# with bun:
bun add react-peer-chat
provides two primary methods to integrate chat functionality into your React apps: through the <Chat>
component and the useSpeech
It also exports a clearChat
function that clears the text chat from the browser's session storage when called.
The default export of react-peer-chat
is the <Chat>
component, which offers the easiest integration and is fully configurable. When using the <Chat>
component, the user will initially see two buttons (SVG icons) - one for text chat and the other for voice chat.
import React from "react";
import Chat, { clearChat } from "react-peer-chat";
export default function App() {
return (
<Chat name="John Doe" peerId="my-unique-id" remotePeerId="remote-unique-id" />
{/* Text chat will be cleared when following button is clicked. */}
<button onClick={clearChat}>Clear Chat</button>
import React from "react";
import Chat, { clearChat } from "react-peer-chat";
export default function App() {
return (
name="John Doe"
remotePeerId={["remote-unique-id-1", "remote-unique-id-2", "remote-unique-id-3"]} // Array of remote peer ids
{/* Text chat will be cleared when following button is clicked. */}
<button onClick={clearChat}>Clear Chat</button>
Use the props provided by the <Chat>
component for customization.
import React from "react";
import Chat from "react-peer-chat";
export default function App() {
return (
name="John Doe"
position: "left",
style: { padding: "4px" },
props={{ title: "React Peer Chat Component" }}
onError={() => console.error("Browser not supported!")}
onMicError={() => console.error("Microphone not accessible!")}
Use Function as Children (FaC) to fully customize the <Chat>
import React from 'react'
import Chat from 'react-peer-chat'
export default function App() {
return <Chat
name='John Doe'
onError={() => console.error('Browser not supported!')}
onMicError={() => console.error('Microphone not accessible!')}
{({ remotePeers, messages, sendMessage, audio, setAudio }) => (
You can also provide custom ICE servers to avoid connectivity issues if the free TURN server provided by react-peer-chat
import React from "react";
import Chat from "react-peer-chat";
export default function App() {
return (
name="John Doe"
config: {
iceServers: [
{ urls: "stun:stun-server.example.com:19302" },
urls: "turn:turn-server.example.com:19403",
username: "optional-username",
credential: "auth-token",
// other peerjs options (optional)
The useChat
hook is ideal when you want to completely redesign the Chat UI or handle the audio stream differently, instead of using traditional playback methods.
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
import { clearChat, useChat } from "react-peer-chat";
import { BiSolidMessageDetail, BiSolidMessageX, BsFillMicFill, BsFillMicMuteFill, GrSend } from "react-peer-chat/icons";
function Chat({ text = true, audio = true, onMessageReceived, dialogOptions, props = {}, children, ...hookProps }) {
const { peerId, audioStreamRef, ...childrenOptions } = useChat({
onMessageReceived: modifiedOnMessageReceived,
const { remotePeers, messages, sendMessage, audio: audioEnabled, setAudio } = childrenOptions;
const containerRef = useRef(null);
const [dialog, setDialog] = useState(false);
const dialogRef = useRef(null);
const inputRef = useRef(null);
const [notification, setNotification] = useState(false);
function modifiedOnMessageReceived(message) {
if (!dialogRef.current?.open) setNotification(true);
useEffect(() => {
if (dialog) dialogRef.current?.show();
else dialogRef.current?.close();
}, [dialog]);
useEffect(() => {
const container = containerRef.current;
if (container) container.scrollTop = container.scrollHeight;
}, [dialog, remotePeers, messages]);
return (
<div className="rpc-main rpc-font" {...props}>
{typeof children === "function" ? (
) : (
{text && (
<div className="rpc-dialog-container">
{dialog ? (
<BiSolidMessageX title="Close chat" onClick={() => setDialog(false)} />
) : (
<div className="rpc-notification">
title="Open chat"
onClick={() => {
{notification && <span className="rpc-badge" />}
<dialog ref={dialogRef} className={`${dialog ? "rpc-dialog" : ""} rpc-position-${dialogOptions?.position || "center"}`} style={dialogOptions?.style}>
<div className="rpc-heading">Chat</div>
<hr className="rpc-hr" />
<div ref={containerRef} className="rpc-message-container">
{messages.map(({ id, text }, i) => (
<div key={i}>
<strong>{id === peerId ? "You" : remotePeers[id]}: </strong>
<hr className="rpc-hr" />
onSubmit={(e) => {
const text = inputRef.current?.value;
if (text) {
inputRef.current.value = "";
sendMessage({ id: peerId, text });
<input ref={inputRef} className="rpc-input rpc-font" placeholder="Enter a message" />
<button type="submit" className="rpc-button">
<GrSend title="Send message" />
{audio && (
{audioEnabled ? <BsFillMicFill title="Turn mic off" onClick={() => setAudio(false)} /> : <BsFillMicMuteFill title="Turn mic on" onClick={() => setAudio(true)} />}
{audio && (
<button className="rpc-button" onClick={() => setAudio(!audioEnabled)}>
{audioEnabled ? <BsFillMicFill title="Turn mic off" /> : <BsFillMicMuteFill title="Turn mic on" />}
export default function App() {
return (
<Chat name="John Doe" peerId="my-unique-id" remotePeerId="remote-unique-id" />
{/* Text chat will be cleared when following button is clicked. */}
<button onClick={clearChat}>Clear Chat</button>
Here is the full API for the useChat
hook, these options can be passed as paramerters to the hook:
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
name |
string |
No | Anonymous User | Name of the peer which will be shown to the remote peer. |
peerId |
string |
Yes | - | It is the unique id that is alloted to a peer. It uniquely identifies a peer from other peers. |
remotePeerId |
string | string[] |
No | - | It is the unique id (or array of unique ids) of the remote peer(s). If provided, the peer will try to connect to the remote peer(s). |
text |
boolean |
No | true |
Text chat will be enabled if this property is set to true. |
recoverChat |
boolean |
No | false |
Old chats will be recovered upon reconnecting with the same peer(s). |
audio |
boolean |
No | true |
Voice chat will be enabled if this property is set to true. |
peerOptions |
PeerOptions |
No | - | Options to customize peerjs Peer instance. |
onError |
Function |
No | () => alert('Browser not supported! Try some other browser.') |
Function to be executed if browser doesn't support WebRTC
onMicError |
Function |
No | () => alert('Microphone not accessible!') |
Function to be executed when microphone is not accessible. |
onMessageSent |
Function |
No | - | Function to be executed when a text message is sent to other peers. |
onMessageReceived |
Function |
No | - | Function to be executed when a text message is received from other peers. |
Here is the full API for the <Chat>
component, these properties can be set on an instance of <Chat>
. It contains all the parameters
that are listed in useChat Hook API Reference along with the following parameters:
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
dialogOptions |
DialogOptions |
No | { position: 'center' } | Options to customize text dialog box styling. |
props |
React.DetailedHTMLProps |
No | - | Props to customize the <Chat> component. |
children |
Children |
No | - | See usage with FaC |
import { PeerOptions } from "peerjs";
import { CSSProperties } from "react";
type DialogPosition = "left" | "center" | "right";
type DialogOptions = {
position: DialogPosition;
style: CSSProperties;
import { ReactNode } from "react";
type RemotePeers = { [id: string]: string };
type Message = {
id: string;
text: string;
type ChildrenOptions = {
remotePeers?: RemotePeers;
messages?: Message[];
sendMessage?: (message: Message) => void;
audio?: boolean;
setAudio?: (audio: boolean) => void;
type Children = (childrenOptions: ChildrenOptions) => ReactNode;