React component to generate a customizable timeline that displays time ranges to scale
- Time ranges are represented to-scale
- Configurable colors and positions
- Supports fully custom renderers
npm install --save react-scaled-timeline
The following example snippet will create what is shown in the example screenshot.
import ScaledTimeline from 'react-scaled-timeline';
const exampleData = [
data: 'january to february 2020',
dateRange: {
start: Date.UTC(2020, 0, 1),
end: Date.UTC(2020, 1, 31),
data: 'one time event',
dateRange: {
start: Date.UTC(2020, 2, 13),
data: {
myTitle: 'custom renderer example',
someOtherCustomField: 'hello world',
dateRange: {
start: Date.UTC(2020, 3),
end: Date.UTC(2020, 3, 12),
renderer: (dataEntry) => (
<div style={{ margin: '1rem', width: '20rem', borderRadius: '1rem' }}>
<span style={{ color: 'orange' }}>{}</span>
alt="some pic"
style={{ float: 'right', margin: '1rem', height: '2rem' }}
<p>{`started on ${new Date(dataEntry.dateRange.start).toDateString()}`}</p>
data: 'ongoing event',
dateRange: {
start: new Date(2020, 4),
end: new Date(),
This is the component that creates the scaled timeline.
Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
timelineData REQUIRED | array | array of TimelineData objects | N/A |
className | string | Additional css class name(s) of the timeline container | N/A |
displayMode | string | global setting to show event cards inside or outside of the timeline (`inline', 'popout') | 'inline' |
colorCycle | array | array of colors for the timeline segments to cycle through | ['#ffadad','#ffd6a5','#fdffb6','#caffbf','#9bf6ff','a0c4ff','bdb2ff','ffc6ff','fffffc'] |
entryOffset | string |
popout display mode only - space between the event cards and their respective bars on the timeline |
'1rem' |
entryPosition | string |
popout display mode only - global setting which side of the timeline event cards will be placed (left , right , top , bottom , alternate ) - 'alternate' will switch between left/right for a vertical orientation, and top/bottom for a horizontal orientation |
'alternate' |
entryRenderer | function | optional custom default renderer for the event cards | N/A |
orientation | string | orientation of the timeline (vertical, horizontal, vertical-reversed, horizontal-reversed) | 'vertical' |
reverseAlternation | bool |
popout display mode and 'alternate' entryPosition only - will start with the opposite alternation |
false |
scaleType | string | specify the scaling of the timeline (linear , logarithmic *) |
'linear' |
*The logarithmic
scaleType is not yet implemented.
Each event object in the ScaledTimeline
's timelineData
must have a minimum of the following fields:
Name | Type | Description |
data REQUIRED | object | your data object |
dateRange REQUIRED | object | must contain at least a start , which can be a Date object or number; can also contain an optional end property, which if left out, will represent this as an instant in time rather than a time span, making the bar 1 pixel wide |
entryOffset | string | if specified, will override the global entryOffset for this specific entry |
renderer | function | if specified, will override the global entryRenderer for this specific entry |