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5.0.1 • Public • Published

React Simple Typewriter

A simple react component for adding a nice typewriter effect to your project.

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There are two ways to Typewriter:

1. Component

import React from 'react'
import { Typewriter } from 'react-simple-typewriter'

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
    <div className='App'>
      <Typewriter {/* Props */} />

Component Props

Prop Type Options Description Default
words array Required Array of strings holding the words ['Hello', '...']
typeSpeed number Optional Character typing speed in Milliseconds 80
deleteSpeed number Optional Character deleting speed in Milliseconds 50
delaySpeed number Optional Delay time between the words in Milliseconds 1500
loop number | boolean Optional Control how many times to run. 0 | false to run infinitely 1
cursor boolean Optional Show / Hide a cursor false
cursorStyle ReactNode Optional Change the cursor style available if cursor is enabled |
cursorBlinking boolean Optional Enable cursor blinking animation |
onLoopDone function Optional Callback function that is triggered when loops are completed. available if loop is > 0 -
onType function Optional Callback function that is triggered while typing with typed words count passed -
onDelay function Optional Callback function that is triggered on typing delay -
onDelete function Optional Callback function that is triggered while deleting -

Usage Example

import React from 'react'
import { Typewriter } from 'react-simple-typewriter'

const MyComponent = () => {

  const handleType = (count: number) => {
    // access word count number

  const handleDone = () => {
    console.log(`Done after 5 loops!`)

  return (
    <div className='App'>
      <h1 style={{ paddingTop: '5rem', margin: 'auto 0', fontWeight: 'normal' }}>
        Life is simple{' '}
        <span style={{ color: 'red', fontWeight: 'bold' }}>
          {/* Style will be inherited from the parent element */}
            words={['Eat', 'Sleep', 'Code', 'Repeat!']}

2. Hook

BREAKING CHANGES v5.0.0 Hook now returns text along with some useful flags:

Prop Type Description
isType boolean Check if currently typing
isDelete boolean Check if currently deleting
isDelay boolean Check if currently on delay
isDone boolean Check if all running loops are done
import { useTypewriter } from 'react-simple-typewriter'

const MyComponent = () => {
   * @returns
   * text: [string] typed text
   * NEW helper: {} helper flags
  const [text, helper] = useTypewriter({
    /* Config */

  /* Hook helper */
  const { isType, isDelete, isDelay, isDone } = helper

  return (
    <div className='App'>

Hook Config

Prop Type Options Description Default
words array Required Array of strings holding the words ['Hello', '...']
typeSpeed number Optional Character typing speed in Milliseconds 80
deleteSpeed number Optional Character deleting speed in Milliseconds 50
delaySpeed number Optional Delay time between the words in Milliseconds 1500
loop number | boolean Optional Control how many times to run. 0 | false to run infinitely 1
onLoopDone function Optional Callback function that is triggered when loops are completed. available if loop is > 0 -
onType function Optional Callback function that is triggered while typing -
onDelete function Optional Callback function that is triggered while deleting -
onDelay function Optional Callback function that is triggered on typing delay -

Hook Usage Example

import React from 'react'
import { useTypewriter } from 'react-simple-typewriter'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [text] = useTypewriter({
    words: ['Hello', 'From', 'Typewriter', 'Hook!'],
    loop: 0

  return (
    <div className='App'>

Hook with Cursor

If you like to have the Cursor effect, you can import it as a separate Component

import React from 'react'
import { useTypewriter, Cursor } from 'react-simple-typewriter'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [text] = useTypewriter({
    words: ['Hello', 'From', 'Typewriter', 'Hook!'],
    loop: 3,
    onLoopDone: () => console.log(`loop completed after 3 runs.`)

  return (
    <div className='App'>
      <Cursor cursorColor='red' />

Cursor Component Props

Prop Type Options Description Default
cursorStyle ReactNode Optional Change cursor style |
cursorColor String Optional Change cursor color inherit
cursorBlinking Boolean Optional disable cursor blinking animation true


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  • awran5