
0.1.2 • Public • Published

React Slot

Slot-based content distribution component for React. The technique was highly influenced by the content distribution techniques used by Vuejs.


npm install react@">=15" react-dom@">=15" react-slot -S

Quick Start

// LayoutDefault.js
// Generates a slotted HTML layout like the following:
// <div class="layout-default">
//  <header class="slot-header">Welcome!</header>
//  <div class="slot-default main" role="main"></div>
//  <div class="slot-info">Copyright 2017</div>
//  <footer class="slot-footer"></footer>
// </div>
import * as React from 'react'
import { Slot } from 'react-slot'

export default function LayoutDefault (props) {
  const { children } = props
  return (
    <div className='layout-default'>
      <Slot name='header' as='header' content={children}>Welcome!</Slot>
      <Slot className='main' role='main' content={children} />
      <Slot name='info' content={children}>Copyright 2017</Slot>
      <Slot name='footer' as='footer' content={children} />

// PageHome.js
// Create a page that will insert content into a layout's slots.
// Generates HTML like the following (depends on what layout is used):
// <div class="page-home">
//  <div class="layout-default">
//    <header class="slot-header"><h1>Home</h1></header>
//    <div class="slot-default main" role="main">The main content</div>
//    <div class="slot-info">Copyright 2017</div>
//  </div>
// </div>
import * as React from 'react'

export default PageHome extends React.Component {
  static propsTypes = {
    layout: PropTypes.func.isRequired

  render () {
    const { layout } = this.props

    return (
      <div className='page-home'>
          <div slot='header'><h1>Home</h1></div>
          <div slot>
            The main content

// App.js
import * as React from 'react'
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import PageHome from './PageHome'

const page = <PageHome layout={DefaultLayout} />




Slot is a component that is meant to compose your layouts with. These act as the points where a layout can be altered by a parent using the layout component. The slot without a name is known as the default slot.


  • content [required] The React children of the parent component
  • children The default content to render if no content is inserted from the parent component
  • name The name of this slot (inserted as class name 'slot-${name}')
  • id The HTML id
  • className Additional class names
  • dataset [default: {}] An object with keys to set as 'data-' attributes (keys must not contain a 'data-' prefix)
  • role The HTML role
  • as [default: 'div'] The type of React element (string or function) to create the root element as

Something to keep in mind, Slot elements will render nothing if they don't have any default content and the parent component didn't insert any content.

<Slot name='my-slot' content={children} />

Full Example:

// A layout that will render HTML like the following:
// <div class="layout-default">
//  <header>Welcome!</header>
//  <div class="slot-default main" role="main"></div>
//  <div class="slot-info">Copyright 2017</div>
//  <footer class="slot-footer"></footer>
// </div>
const LayoutDefault = props => {
  const { children } = props
  return (
    <div className='layout-default'>
      <Slot name='header' as='header' content={children}>Welcome!</Slot>
      <Slot className='main' role='main' content={children} />
      <Slot name='info' content={children}>Copyright 2017</Slot>
      <Slot name='footer' as='footer' content={children} />

To insert content into a Slot the parent component using the layout needs to designate React subtrees to use a slot by setting the slot prop on an element to have its children inserted into the slot with the mathcing name (if one exists). Only the first matching React subtree will have its children inserted.

<div slot='slot-name'>...inserted into the slot-name slot...</div>

Any React elements with a slot set to "default", or true will have thier children inserted into the default slot (if one exists).

<div slot>...inserted into the default slot...</div>
<div slot='default'>...inserted into the default slot...</div>

Since only the children of a react subtree are inserted into a slot, all props on the subtree root node are merged with the props defined on the <Slot> element in the layout.

// in the layout...
<Slot name='footer' className='footer' />

// in the parent component...
  <div slot='footer' className='my-footer'>The Footer</div>

// Results in the footer slot being rendered as...
<div class="slot-footer footer my-footer">TheFooter</div>

Also, if a default slot exists and no slotted subtree is found with the slot prop set to "default" or true, then all React nodes without a slot designation will be inserted into the default slot.

<div slot='slot-name'>...</div>
<div>Default content1</div>
<div>More default content</div>
<div slot='slot-name2'>...</div>

Example Usage of LayoutDefault:

// A page component that uses LayoutDefault to structure its content. This
// will render a page that looks like this:
// <div class="layout-default">
//  <header>Welcome!</header>
//  <div class="slot-default main" role="main">
//    <div>Hello World!</div>
//    <p>This is some more content inserted into the default slot</p>
//  </div>
//  <div class="slot-info">Copyright 2018</div>
// </div>
const Page = props => {
  return (
      <div slot='info'>Copyright 2018</div>
      <div>Hello World!</div>
      <p>This is some more content inserted into the default slot</p>

Additionally, Slots can be nested to provide parent components with increasing granularity when overriding slots.

<Slot name='outer' content={children}>
  This is the content
  <Slot name='inner' content={children}>
    This is the inner content

Then to insert into these slots you have a choice to override the entire outer slot...

<div slot='outer'>...</div>

...or just the inner slot.

<div slot='inner'>....</div>

But if the outer slot is overrdden then the entirety of its contents will be replaced.

slot(name, children)

This function will pull out the children of any React subtree designated by the slot prop that matches the name argument. This function will not render a root node at all, this is left up to the parent component to provide. This gives you more control over a slot's root element.

<Slot name='footer' content={children}>
  Copyright {slot('copyrightYear', children) || '2017'}

Then in the parent component:

// Replace the entire footer...
<div slot='footer'>...</div>

// ...or just replace the copyright year
<div slot='copyrightYear'>2018</div>

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  • dschnare