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React hooks for managing state with (async) actions.


npm install react-state-action-hooks # for npm users 
yarn add react-state-action hooks # for yarn users 

Basic Usage

Demo is available on CodeSandbox.

First import useActionState react hook and ActionDefs which is a type definition.

import { useActionState, ActionDefs } from 'react-state-action-hooks';

Define a state and action definition types (or interfaces). State can be anything from number or string to nested object. Actions is an object each of whose keys is a (async) function that takes arbitrary number of parameters.

interface State {
  count: number;
type Actions = {
  incrementBy: (delta: number) => void;
  asyncReset: (interval: number) => Promise<void>;
  decrementBy: (delta: number) => void;

Then you can define the actual initial state and action definitions that comform to the types (interfaces) defined above. Action definition (actionDefs in the code below) is an object that has exactly the same keys action Actions, but the corresponding value is a function that returns function. The parameters of the outer function is the same as the ones defined in Actions. The parameters of the innner function is (state: State, actions: Actions) and it should return (acynchronously) a new state or nothing. You can also call as many other acitons as you want inside the action.

const initialState: State = {
  count: 0,
const actionDefs: ActionDefs<State, Actions, {}> = {
  incrementBy: (delta: number) => (state: State) => ({
    count: state.count + delta,
  asyncReset: (interval: number) => (state: State) => {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      setTimeout(() => {
          count: 0,
      }, interval);
  decrementBy: (delta: number) => (state: State, actions: Actions) => {

Then finally in a React stateless component, you can use state and actions by invoking useActionState.

const Counter = () => {
  const { state, actions } = useActionState<State, Actions>(
  return (
        onClick={() => {
        Reset after 1 sec
        onClick={() => {
        onClick={() => {
        onClick={() => {

Advanced Usage

Using context

useActionState can take the third parameter context which should be a key-value object, to which you can pass whatever values you want to have access to in an action. The context then becomes available as the third parameter of the returned function in an action definition. Here is an example:

interface Context {
  apolloClient: ApolloClient<any>;
const context = {
const Counter = () => {
  const { state, actions } = useActionState<State, Actions, Context>(
  /* lines below omitted */

Then the context becomes available in all the functions in action definition.

const actionDefs: ActionDefs<State, Actions, Context> = {
  someAction: () => async (
    state: State,
    actions: Actions,
    context: Context
  ) => {
    const { apolloClient } = context;
    /* do something with apolloClient */


Any kinds of contributions are welcome! Just submit issues or pull requests!


Hitoshi Otsuki



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