
1.0.1 • Public • Published

React Horizontal Timeline (Styled-Component)

A react & styled-component port of the horizontal time-line developed by CodyHouse & @sherubthakur.



It will just render a timeline with the dates that you provided and it is up to you what to do when a date is selected. i.e. it will give you the index of the date that was clicked and you can do anything with it.

Property Type Default Description
values (required) array undefined sorted array of dates (format:yyyy-mm-dd)
indexClick (required) function undefined function that takes the index of the array as argument
index (required) number undefined the index of the selected date
getLabel function date.toDateString().substring(4) A function to calculate the label of the event based on the date of the event
minEventPadding number 20 The minimum padding between two event labels
maxEventPadding number 120 The maximum padding between two event labels
linePadding number 100 Padding used at the start and end of the timeline
labelWidth number 85 The width of an individual label
fillingMotion object { stiffness: 150, damping: 25 } Sets the animation style of how filling motion will look
slidingMotion object { stiffness: 150, damping: 25 } Sets the animation style of how sliding motion will look
styles object { background: '#f8f8f8', foreground: '#7b9d6f', outline: '#dfdfdf', label: '#333' } object containing the styles for the timeline currently outline (the color of the boundaries of the timeline and the buttons on it's either side), foreground (the filling color, active color) and background (the background color of your page) colors of the timeline can be changed.
isTouchEnabled boolean true Enable touch events (swipe left, right)
isKeyboardEnabled boolean true Enable keyboard events (up, down, left, right)
isOpenBeginning boolean true Show the beginning of the timeline as open ended
isOpenEnding boolean true Show the ending of the timeline as open ended
isControlBarEnabled boolean true Show control bar
isBackEnabled boolean true Show back button
isForwardEnabled boolean true Show forward button
isBackFaderEnabled boolean true Show fade-out layer on top of the event dots at left side
isForwardFaderEnabled boolean true fade-out layer on top of the event dots at right side
barComponent React.SFC null Custom element for rendering container contains line and dot
dotComponent React.SFC null Custom element for dot
lineComponent React.SFC null Custom element for line
controlButtonComponent React.SFC null Custom element for control button
backButtonContent React.SFC null Custom element for back button content
forwardButtonContent React.SFC null Custom element for back button content

This is how it can be used.

const VALUES = [ /* The date strings go here */ ];

export default class App extends React.Component {
  state = { value: 0, previous: 0 };

  render() {
    return (
        {/* Bounding box for the Timeline */}
        <div style={{ width: '60%', height: '100px', margin: '0 auto' }}>
            indexClick={(index) => {
              this.setState({ value: index, previous: this.state.value });
            values={ VALUES } />
        <div className='text-center'>
          {/* any arbitrary component can go here */}    

For more advanced usage take a look at the demos directory.

Running the development version

  • Just clone the repo and do an npm install (or yarn install)
  • Note: You will need to do npm install react react-dom to install peerDependencies as both yarn and npm don't do this.
  • Run npm run start/npm start/yarn start.
  • Then go to localhost:5001/demos/<demo_name>/index.html to see the fruits of your labor.

Here is the information provided by the original author.

An easy to customize, horizontal timeline powered by CSS and jQuery.

Article on CodyHouse



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  • lemank