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React Tiny Oembed version minzipped bundle

React component for embedding content from sites going oEembed way and only* oembed way. Just give it a url and it will do the rest, no more paying for widgets!

The motivation behind this component is admiration of oembed, an opensource standard with unified way of embedding content from all supported sites, instead of having different method for every site, no exceptions*,

However sites not supporting oembed for now can also be embedded using oembed-wrapper proxies and interceptors, see Plugins below


npm install react-tiny-oembed

requires React 16.8 or higher

Basic usage

import Embed from 'react-tiny-oembed'

function App() {


A note on proxy: most of the the sites do not have cors enabled, so cors proxy is necessary in most cases. Above used proxy is just for demonstration and is slow and highly rate limited, so provide your own proxy, you can host Cors anywhere on your own node server and use that.

By default only YouTube, Reddit, Flickr, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Twitter, GIPHY are enabled, to add more or reduce even default ones, see providers prop below.


You can pass multiple props to Embed component, typings can be too imported as named exports.

  • options: EmbedRequestOptions

    Object containing oembed options, these fields are used as query params to oembed provider, these include general options like maxwidth and maxheight and also some site specific options. Below are some of the default ones used.

    value type default description
    maxwidth number 700 maximum width of iframe or image, not the container, which can be changed with style prop
    maxheight number 400 similar to maxwidth
    align string 'center' for twitter
  • style: CSSProperties

    Styles applied to outer container, container also has __embed class so you can use that too, by default it takes has 100% width and 700px max width

  • FallbackElement and LoadingFallbackElement: ReactElement

    By default the given url is shown as anchor tag (external) for states like loading or error, However you can pass your own ones like

        options={{ theme: 'dark' }}
        LoadingFallbackElement="Yeah loading..., use your own proxy"
  • ImgComponent: ComponentType<{ responce?: PhotoEmbedResponce }>

    While most sites would have their good looking widgets, some sites like Giphy would just give you images. Images are displayed plain, without any styling, you might want to have your own custom component for images. That component will receive reponce prop as oembed responce object, you can access src via responce.url

        function CustomImg({ responce }) {
            return <div className="img-widget">
                <h1>Image from {responce.provider_name}</h1>
                <img src={responce.url} alt={responce.author_name} />

    similar is for LinkComponent but i did not see any site returning just link

  • providers

    Default providers are just a handful, you have hundreds to choose from. This prop can be used to enable (or reduce) support for individual sites. It expects an array of Provider objects which defines matching pattern for links, embedding url or interceptors to add to.

    Say you want to extend suppport to more sites, go to, choose a provider object and pass it. Say we pick the first one, TwoThreeHQ, we will use it like this.

        import Embed, { defaultProviders } from 'react-oembed'
        const TwoThreeHQ = {
            "provider_name": "23HQ",
            "provider_url": "http:\/\/",
            "endpoints": [
                    "schemes": [
                    "url": "http:\/\/\/23\/oembed"
                url= ...
                providers={[...defaultProviders, TwoThreeHQ]}

    Note: passing providers list overrides default one, so you need to pass defaultProviders to have them too.

    Support for all the sites can be extended in this way, just passing list of provider objects. Also remember sites like Instagram and Facebook require developer keys too, so pass them in options prop above (please test them, i did not wanted to create developer account there)

    If you want to filter even default ones, you can

    const providers = defaultProviders.filter(
        p => p.provider_name === 'Vimeo' || p.provider_name === 'SoundCloud'

    For sites not supporting oembed but see Plugins section below.


  • github-gist - Github gist sample plugin for react-tiny-oembed without a proxy server.
  • ...others

For authoring plugins see PLUGINS


You can help me write tests 😊.

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  • muzamilsofi
  • muzam1l