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React Toast Plus

React Toast Plus is a lightweight, customizable toast notification library for React. It offers support for various types of notifications, auto-close functionality, draggable close, and customizable transitions. This library is designed to be simple and highly customizable, allowing developers to easily integrate and style toasts in their React applications.

✨ Features

  • 🔥 Lightweight & Fast: Built for speed and performance, React Toast Plus delivers snappy notifications with zero delay, making it perfect for modern web apps.

  • Complete TypeScript Support: With robust TypeScript integration, enjoy typed toast options that ensure your toasts are consistent and bug-free, whether you're handling success, error, or even custom notifications.

  • Auto-Close with Precision Control: Toasts can auto-close after a set time. Want more control? We pass the remaining time to you, enabling advanced scenarios like progress bars and animations.

  • Pause and Resume Interaction: Timers pause automatically when users hover over the toast or switch tabs, and resume when they return—giving users a seamless experience.

  • Interactive Draggable Close: Dismiss your toasts by dragging them off the screen, adding a fun, interactive touch to your notifications.

  • Portal Support: Use the built-in portalSelector to place toasts anywhere within your app structure, providing complete layout flexibility.

  • Hot & Customizable: React Toast Plus is all about flexibility. Create unique toasts with customizable components like StyledToaster, StyledProgressBar, and StyledCloseButton. You can even inject your own transitions and icons for a fully personalized user experience.

  • Highly Customizable Progress Bar: Style the progress bar to match your app, and provide real-time feedback with StyledProgressBar, making the lifetime of your toasts clearly visible.

  • Multiple Placement Options: Display toasts anywhere on the screen—top-right, bottom-center, or wherever fits your design best.

  • Built-in Icons & Rich Icon Library: React Toast Plus comes with built-in icons (SuccessIcon, ErrorIcon, WarningIcon, InfoIcon, CloseIcon) and custom icon support, making it easy to match your app's style.

  • Styled Components Ready: Using styled-components under the hood, React Toast Plus provides fully styled, theme-aware toasts right out of the box. Plug in your own styles with the exportable components (StyledToaster, StyledToastContainer, and more).

  • Flexible API for Custom Components: Build and render your own toast components via the addToast.custom() function, passing your custom toast along with all configurable options.


To install react-toast-plus, run:

npm install react-toast-plus

Or with Yarn:

yarn add react-toast-plus


Basic Setup

Wrap your application with the ToastProvider to enable toast notifications:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { ToastProvider } from 'react-toast-plus';
import App from './App';

    <App />

Adding Toasts

You can use the useToast hook to add toasts:

import React from 'react';
import { useToast } from 'react-toast-plus';

const App  = () => {
  const { addToast } = useToast();

  const showToast = () => {
      addToast('This is a toast!');

  return <button onClick={showToast}>Show Toast</button>;

Toast Types

Success Toast


Error Toast

addToast.error("Something went wrong!");

Info Toast"Here’s some information");

Warning Toast

addToast.warning("This is a warning!");

Custom JSX Toast

addToast.loading(<div>Custom JSX inside a toast!</div>);

Custom Toasts

You can create custom toasts by passing either a React component or a function that returns JSX:

Example with Custom Toast Component

const CustomToast: FunctionComponent<ToastProps> = ({ id, onClose }) => (
      <strong>Custom Toast Component</strong>
      <p>This is a custom toast using a component!</p>
      <button onClick={() => onClose(id)}>Close</button>

addToast.custom(CustomToast, { placement: "top-right", transition: "slide", lifetime: 5000, autoClose: true });

Example with Custom JSX

addToast(({ id, onClose }) => (
        <strong>Custom JSX in Toast</strong>
        <span>This is a custom toast with JSX</span>
        <button onClick={() => onClose(id)}>Close</button>
    { lifetime: 5000, autoClose: true, closeButton: { visible: false } }

Promise-based Toasts

The addToast.promise method accepts a promise or a function that returns a promise:

Basic Example

const resolvePromise = new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
        pending: 'pending',
        success: 'success',
        error: 'error'

// example with Function that return Promise
const someAsyncFunction = () => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            const isSuccess = Math.random() > 0.5;
            if (isSuccess) {
            } else {
        }, 4000);

addToast.promise(someAsyncFunction, {
    pending: "Pending...",
    success: (data) => `Success: {data}`,
    error: (error) => `Error: ${error}`
    transition: "slide",
    placement: "top-center",
    success: {
        lifetime: 3000,
    error: {
        lifetime: 5000,
        closeButton: { visible: false }

Removing Toasts

You can remove toasts using the following methods from useToast():

Remove a Specific Toast

const { removeToast } = useToast();

removeToast(toastId);  // Removes the toast with the given id

// if you want to delete by index
removeToast.byIndex(0);  // Removes the first toast

Remove All Toasts

const { removeAllToasts } = useToast();

removeAllToasts();  // Removes all active toasts

Updating Toasts

You can update existing toasts using the updateToast function. Here's an example:

const { updateToast } = useToast();

const { id } = addToast("Loading..." ,'loading',{
setTimeout(() => {
        content: "Loaded!",
        type: "success"
}, 4000);

Advanced Options for Toasts

Here’s the full list of toast options:

Option Type Description
className string Custom class for the toast container.
style React.CSSProperties Inline styles for the toast container.
lifetime number Time (in milliseconds) the toast will be visible before auto-closing.
autoClose boolean Determines whether the toast should auto-close. Default is true.
pauseOnHover boolean Pauses the toast timer when the user hovers over it.
pauseOnFocusLoss boolean Pauses the toast timer when the window loses focus.
draggableClose boolean Allows the toast to be closed by dragging it.
closeOnClick boolean Closes the toast when clicked.
closeButton object Customization options for the close button.
closeButton.visible boolean Shows or hides the close button. Default is true.
closeButton.className string Custom class for the close button. React.CSSProperties Inline styles for the close button.
progressBar object Customization options for the progress bar.
progressBar.visible boolean Shows or hides the progress bar. Default is true.
progressBar.className string Custom class for the progress bar. React.CSSProperties Inline styles for the progress bar.
transition 'fade' ,'bounce' , 'slide' ,'zoom' Type of transition effect for the toast.
transitionDuration number Duration of the transition effect (in milliseconds).
placement 'top-left' , 'top-right','top-center' , 'bottom-left' ,'bottom-center' 'bottom-right' Placement of the toast on the screen.
icon React.ReactNode Custom icon for the toast, can be a React component or JSX.
iconProps object Customization options for the icon.
iconProps.visible boolean Shows or hides the icon. Default is true.
iconProps.className string Custom class for the icon. React.CSSProperties Inline styles for the icon.


Provides all the properties passed to the toast component .

Prop Name Description
id Unique identifier for the toast.
content The message or custom content to display in the toast.
onClose Function to trigger when the toast needs to be closed.
type Specifies the type of toast (e.g., success, error).
options Custom options for configuring the toast’s behavior and style check it here ToastOptions.
remainingTime Provides the time remaining before the toast auto-closes.
start Starts the auto-close timer for the toast.
pause Pauses the auto-close timer.
resume Resumes the paused auto-close timer.
clear Clears the auto-close timer.
isRunning Indicates if the timer is currently running.
isPaused Indicates if the timer is currently paused.


Prop Type Default Description
newestFirst boolean true Whether to display the newest toast first.
gutter number 8 The space (in pixels) between each toast.
containerOptions object undefined Customize the toast container. See containerOptions below.
toastOptions object undefined Default options for all toasts. See toastOptions below.
toastStyles object undefined Customize the toast styles. See toastStyles below.

Example for newestFirst

<ToastProvider newestFirst={false}>
  <App />

This will display the oldest toast first.

Example for gutter

<ToastProvider gutter={16}>
  <App />

This will add a 16px space between each toast.


Prop Type Description
className string Add a custom class to the container.
style React.CSSProperties Inline styles for the container.
component React.ElementType<ToastContainerProps> A custom component to render the toast container.
portalSelector Element or DocumentFragment The DOM node or fragment where the toast container is rendered. Default is body.

Example with a custom container component

const CustomContainer: FunctionComponent<ToastContainerProps> = ({ children, ...props }) => {
  return <div className="custom-container" {...props}>{children}</div>;

<ToastProvider containerOptions={{ component: CustomContainer }}>
  <App />

This will render the toasts inside the custom container.

Example with a portal

<ToastProvider containerOptions={{ portalSelector: document.getElementById('toast-root')!}}>
  <App />

This will render the toasts inside the element with the ID toast-root.


Prop Name Type Description
...toastOptions ToastOptions Extends all properties from ToastOptions and serves as the default configuration for all toasts. Each toast type (e.g., success, error ,..etc) can override these defaults with its specific options.
errorOptions ToastOptions Specific options for error toasts.
warningOptions ToastOptions Specific options for warning toasts.
infoOptions ToastOptions Specific options for info toasts.
emptyOptions ToastOptions Specific options for empty toasts.
loadingOptions ToastOptions Specific options for loading toasts.
component React.ElementType<ToastProps> Custom component to use for individual toasts.

Example for toastOptions

<ToastProvider toastOptions={{ className: 'toast', lifetime: 3000 }}>
  <App />

This will apply the class toast and set the lifetime of all toasts to 3000ms.

Example for Typed options

<ToastProvider toastOptions={{
  closeOnClick: true,
  successOptions: {
      style: { backgroundColor: 'green' },
      icon: <cutomIcon/>
  errorOptions: { 
      closeButton: { visible: false } ,
      lifetime: 5000
  <App />

Example for Custom Component

const CustomToastComponent: FunctionComponent<ToastProps> = (props) => {
  const { content, id, onClose, options } = props;
  const { style, icon } = options || {};
  const renderContent = () => {
    if (typeof content === "string") {
      return content;
    } else if (isValidElement(content)) {
      return content;
    } else if (typeof content === "function") {
      return content(props);
    return null;
  return (
    <div className="custom-toast" style={style}>
      <div className="custom-toast-content">
        <div className="custom-toast-text">{renderContent()}</div>
      <button onClick={() => onClose(id)}>Close</button>

<ToastProvider toastOptions={{
  component: CustomToastComponent
  <App />


Prop Name Type Description
toastMaxWidth string Maximum width of the toast.
toastMinWidth string Minimum width of the toast.
toastMinHeight string Minimum height of the toast.
toastFontFamily string Font family for the toast content.
toastBgColor string Background color of the toast.
toastTextColor string Text color of the toast content.
toastRadius string Border radius of the toast.
toastPadding string Padding inside the toast.
toastBoxShadow string Box shadow of the toast.
toastEmptyColor string color for empty toasts (icon).
toastSuccessColor string color for success toasts (icon).
toastErrorColor string color for error toasts (icon).
toastWarningColor string color for warning toasts (icon).
toastInfoColor string color for info toasts (icon).
toastLoaderColor string Color for the loader in the toast.
toastLoaderAreaColor string Background color for the loader area.

Example for toastStyles

<ToastProvider toastStyles={{
  toastBgColor: '#333',
  toastTextColor: '#fff',
  <App />

This will set the background color to dark and the text color to white.


The useToastStore hook provides access to the current toast notifications and a dispatch function to manage toast actions.

Return Value

The hook returns an object containing two keys:

  • toasts: An array of the current active toasts.
  • dispatch: A function to dispatch actions for toast management.
const { toasts, dispatch } = useToastStore();


Below is a table of actions you can dispatch to manage toasts:

Action Type Description
ADD_TOAST Adds a new toast to the state.
REMOVE_TOAST Removes a toast by its id.
UPDATE_TOAST Updates an existing toast's properties.
REMOVE_ALL_TOASTS Removes all active toasts.

Usage Example

import {useToastStore ,ActionTypes} from 'react-toast-plus';

const ToastManager = () => {
    const {toasts, dispatch} = useToastStore();

    return (
            { => (
                <div key={}>{toast.content}</div>
                onClick={() =>
                        type: ActionTypes.ADD_TOAST,
                        toast: {
                            id: `${}`, // Unique ID
                            content: "New Toast Added!",
                            type: "success",
                            options: {autoClose: true, lifetime: 3000},
                Add Toast
                onClick={() => dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.REMOVE_ALL_TOASTS })}
                Remove All Toasts

Custom Styled Components

In addition to providing a powerful toast notification system, React Toast Plus also exports various styled components and icons that you can use to customize or create your own custom toasters.

Available Styled Components

You can import and use the following styled components in your custom Toaster:

  • StyledToaster
  • StyledProgressBar (requires props type, duration, and state)
  • StyledCloseButton
  • StyledToastContainer
  • StyledToasterContent
  • StyledLoadingIcon
  • SuccessIcon
  • ErrorIcon
  • WarningIcon
  • InfoIcon
  • CloseIcon

Example Usage of Styled Components with Props

Here’s an example where the CustomToaster is a React.FunctionComponent<ToastProps>, and values like type, lifetime, and onClose are passed via props.

import { StyledToaster, StyledProgressBar, StyledCloseButton, StyledToastContainer, StyledToasterContent, SuccessIcon, CloseIcon } from 'react-toast-plus';
import { ToastProps } from 'react-toast-plus';

const CustomToaster: React.FunctionComponent<ToastProps> = ({
}) => {
  const { autoClose = true, lifetime = 5000, style } = options || {};

  return (
    <StyledToaster style={style}>
          width: 20,
          height: 20,
        <SuccessIcon />
        <p>Hello from componemt</p>
        type={type || "empty"}
        state={isRunning ? "running" : "paused"}
      <StyledCloseButton onClick={() => onClose && onClose(id)}>
        <CloseIcon />

Triggering the Custom Toaster with Props

Here’s how you can trigger the custom toaster with the addToast.custom method and pass the necessary props:

import { useToast } from 'react-toast-plus';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { addToast } = useToast();

  const showCustomToast = () => {
    addToast.custom(CustomToaster, {
      lifetime: 5000,
      autoClose: true,

  return (
    <button onClick={showCustomToast}>Show Custom Toast</button>


  • The CustomToaster component receives ToastProps, which include properties like type, lifetime, and onClose.
  • These props are passed into StyledProgressBar and other elements to render a custom toast.
  • The addToast.custom function is used to display the custom toast with options such as isRuning, lifetime, and autoClose.
addToast.custom(CustomToaster, { lifetime: 5000, autoClose: true });

🛠️ Contributing

Contributions, suggestions, and feedback are highly encouraged! Whether it's bug reports, new features, or improvements, feel free to check the issues page or submit a pull request. Let's collaborate and make React Toast Plus even better!

📄 License

React Toast Plus is proudly open-source under the MIT license. You’re free to use it in both personal and commercial projects. Enjoy!

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  • ammar_yasser