
1.0.29 • Public • Published


The all-in-one react-only component for uploading images, documents and videos to AWS S3. This is a pure front-end component and only requires AWS configuration at the backend, no backend code is necessary.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide

What's New

  • Thumbnail auto generation and capture feature

How it can be used

Upload an image to S3 (with easy crop)

  • Choose an image
  • Preview it
  • Crop it if required
  • Upload to S3

Upload a video to S3 (with thumbnail generator & easy clip)

  • Choose a video
  • Preview the video and the generated thumbnail
  • Capture a new thumbnail if required
  • Clip the video from start and end if required
  • Upload to S3

Upload a pdf to S3

  • Choose a pdf
  • Preview it
  • Upload to S3




npm install --save react-upload-to-s3

Then install the dependencies


npm install --save aws-sdk
npm install --save bootstrap
npm install --save react-bootstrap
npm install --save react-bootstrap-icons
npm install --save react-ui-components-superflows
npm install --save react-ui-themes-superflows




  • bucket: Name of the S3 bucket
  • cognitoIdentityCredentials: Cognito Identity Pool Object
  • awsRegion: Region where the bucket exists
  • awsKey: AWS Access Key (should come from environment variables)
  • awsSecret: AWS Secret (should come from environment variables)
  • awsMediaConvertEndPoint: AWS region specific mediaconvert endpoint
  • type: can be image / video / pdf
  • mediaConvertRole: Media convert role
  • onResult: Result callback
  • theme: UI Theme (optional)
  • showNewUpload: Flag which enables the display of New Upload button on the success screen (optional, default value is true)

Usage Method 1 - Less Secure

import React from 'react'

import Themes from 'react-ui-themes-superflows'
import { Col, Row, Container } from 'react-bootstrap';
import { UploadToS3 } from 'react-upload-to-s3'
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

const App = () => {

    const theme = Themes.getTheme("Default");

    return (
        <Container className='mt-5'>
        <Row className='justify-content-center'>

            <Col sm={12} xs={12} md={6} xxl={6}>
                onResult={(result) => {console.log('on Result', result);}} />



export default App

Usage Method 2 - More Secure

import React from 'react'

import Themes from 'react-ui-themes-superflows'
import { Col, Row, Container } from 'react-bootstrap';
import { UploadToS3 } from 'react-upload-to-s3'
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

const App = () => {

    const theme = Themes.getTheme("Default");

    return (
        <Container className='mt-5'>
        <Row className='justify-content-center'>

            <Col sm={12} xs={12} md={6} xxl={6}>
                    IdentityPoolId: 'awsRegion:poolId',
                onResult={(result) => {console.log('on Result', result);}} />



export default App



  • Create an S3 bucket via the AWS admin console, say name of the bucket is myuploads
  • Set the bucket policy as follows
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "PublicListGet",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
  • Set the cors policy as follows
        "AllowedHeaders": [
        "AllowedMethods": [
        "AllowedOrigins": [
        "ExposeHeaders": []

AWS MediaConvert

AWS mediaconvert is required for video processing. The clip selection happens at the client end, whereas the actual clipping is done by an AWS mediaconvert job. This requires a region specific endpoint and can be easily obtained from the aws cli (aws commandline).

aws mediaconvert describe-endpoints --region <region>

Remember that this region specific endpoint also has to be provided as a prop to the upload-to-s3 component. (Refer to the Usage Section)

You will also have to create a mediaconvert role.

MediaConvert Role

  • Goto IAM > Roles
  • Select AWS Service as the trusted entity type
  • Choose MediaConvert from the services dropdown
  • Click next on add permissions & attach the following permissions to it - (1) Full access to the particular s3 bucket, (2) Access to the region specific endpoint of the API gateway
  • Name the role as per your choice. I have named it mediaconvert_role. (Remember that this role name has to be given as a prop to the upload-to-s3 component, refer to the Usage section)

Authentication of AWS SDK

Method 1 - Pass Credentials Via Props (Less Secure)

  • Create an SDK user via the AWS console so that you get access to aws region, aws access key and aws secret, i.e. aws credentials.
  • Ensure that you preserve these credentials in a secure manner.
  • It is especially important that these credentials be stored in the environment files and should never be pushed to a source repository such as git.
  • For this SDK user, give create, add, edit, delete permissions to your S3 bucket via the AWS console. I usually give full access restricted to a particular bucket, like the one which we created in the S3 section above (given below).
  • If you are planning to use this module for video upload, also provide permissions to elemental media convert (given below).
  • An additional permission needs to be given for video processing, for using the passrole method privilege (given below).

Method 2 - Use AWS Cognito Federated Identities (Recommended Method)

  • Create a new identity pool using Cognito.
  • It will end up creating two roles, one for users authenticated via cognito and the second, for unauthenticated users
  • Go to Roles in IAM
  • If in your application, unauthenticated & authenticated users will be using this module, then you will need to give s3 and elemental mediaconvert permissions to both the roles.
  • Else, since this module will always be behind the authentication wall, you will need to give s3 and elemental mediaconvert permissions to only the authenticated users role.
  • For S3, a good idea would be to give full access restricted to the particular bucket (given below).
  • If you are planning to use this module for video upload, also provide permissions to elemental media convert (given below).
  • An additional permission is required for video processing for using the passrole method.
  • An additional permission needs to be given for video processing, for using the passrole method privilege (given below).

S3 Permission (Needed For Both Methods)

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::myuploads"

MediaConvert Permissions (Needed For Both Methods)

  • For this SDK user, then give the user access to AWS mediaconvert via the AWS console. I have used AWSElementalMediaConvertFullAccess, which is a pre-created AWS policy for this. To find and attach this policy - Select your IAM user > Click add permissions on the user summary screen > Click attach existing policies directly > Search mediaconvert > Apply the AWSElementalMediaConvertFullAccess policy

Permission to Use PassRole For Video Processing (Needed For Both Methods)

  • Create a new inline policy (for method 1, attach to the user, for method 2, attach to the role(s)) with the following json
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::mediaconvert_role_id:role/*"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "mediaconvert:*",
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor2",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "iam:ListRoles",
            "Resource": "*"

Once you are through with installing the dependencies and the AWS configuration, using the component becomes fairly simple. Please refer to the Usage above.


MIT © superflows-dev

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  • jyoostorg