
0.1.0 • Public • Published


A set components to create DApp interfaces using react.

The core component is Web3Provider which exposes a web3 instance along with account state to nested components in this library using a specific react context (Web3Context). Other components can be nested anywhere in the virtual dom.

Available components:

  • Sign: sign a message with the selected account.
  • Accounts: the list of available accounts.
  • SelectedAccount: the currently selected account.
  • NewAccount: create a new account.
  • Unlock: unlock the selected account.

Use with Metamask

By default, the Web3Provider will use a web3 instance using the browser's givenProvider (which is in most cases Metamask).

  <Sign message='hello'/>

Use a custom instance of web3

It is possible to specify a custom instance of web3 to use, for example, with a WebSocket provider to connect to a local geth node.

let wsWeb3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider('ws://localhost:8546'));
const app = () => {
  <Web3Provider web3={wsWeb3}>

Customize rendering

In general, component render can be customized using functions as child components. See below for properties available for each component.

Example – Login users using Metamask's signature:

    message='Login nonce: 1234'
      }) => (
          <button disabled={disabled} onClick={signAction}>
            Login with <code>{disabled ? '': `${selectedAccount.substring(0, 6)}`}</code>


Web3Provider, Web3Context

Handles update events and Metamask account access requests. Initializes and manages the context provided to other components.


  • web3: Specifies the web3 instance to use (default new Web3(Web3.givenProvider)).
  • onUpdate: A callback triggered each time accounts state changes.
  • logger: Possibly a custom logger handler.

Exposes a Web3Context provider which gives access to an object containing:

  • web3: The instance of web3 used by this provider.
  • selectedAccount: The selected account.
  • accounts: An array of all available accounts.
  • updateAccounts: A function to force update of the accounts state. This function receives a single optional parameter to specify the account that should be selected. If null the selected account will use the first available account.


Sign a message with the selected account.


  • message: The message to be signed, this can be either a string or a Buffer (default '').

  • password: The password (if needed). This is needed for accounts protected with password as in geth accounts when using a WebSocket provider. Metamask doesn't need a password.

  • onSign: A callback for accessing the resulting signature (default () => {}). The signature result is an object of the form:

        signature,  // The hex formatted signature as returned by web3
        signedBy,   // The account that signed the message
        message,    // The original message
        hexMessage, // The hex formatted message
  • onError: A callback for handling errors if any (default () => {}). This function receives a single parameter, the error message.

Child function:

The child function for custom rendering receives an object containing:

  • message: The message to be signed.
  • disabled: true if no account selected, false otherwise.
  • selectedAccount: The account that will sign the message.
  • signAction: The action that, when triggered, will request the signature.


Shows the currently selected account.


  • none

Child function:

The child function for custom rendering receives an object containing:

  • selectedAccount: The selected address.


Shows the list of available accounts and allows to select an account when many available (such as when connecting to a geth instance with a WebSocket web3 provider).


  • none

Child function:

The child function for custom rendering receives an object containing:

  • selectedAccount: The selected address.
  • accounts: An array of all available accounts.
  • updateAccounts: A function to set the selected account and update the list of available accounts.


Creates a new account and if succeeds, sets it as the selected account (Doesn't work with Metamask).


  • password: The password for the newly created account (default '')
  • onCreate: A callback for accessing the newly created account (default () => {}). This function receives a single parameter, the new address.
  • onError: A callback for handling errors if any (default () => {}). This function receives a single parameter, the error message.

Child function:

The child function for custom rendering receives an object containing:

  • newAccountAction: The action that, when triggered, will create a new account.


Unlock the selected account (Doesn't work with Metamask).


  • password: The password for unlocking the account (default '').
  • duration: The duration for unlocking the account (default 0).
  • onUnlock: A callback called when the account was unlocked (default () => {}). This function receives a single parameter, true if the account was unlocked.
  • onError: A callback for handling errors if any (default () => {}). This function receives a single parameter, the error message.

Child function:

The child function for custom rendering receives an object containing:

  • selectedAccount: The selected address.
  • duration: The duration for unlocking the account.
  • unlockAction: The action that, when triggered, will request the account unlocking.
  • disabled: true if no account selected, false otherwise.

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  • draltan