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ReactJS Input Validator

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Input validator for React with the awesomeness of validator.js

This module saves you time in three ways.

  • Clean code. You don't have to write custom validations for every input field in your form.
  • No learning curve. You don't have to deal with any new syntax. Pass the validations and error messages you want as props to our component and that's it!
  • Inbuilt styles & error messages. We ship you custom styles and error messages for the validation of your input fields along with form validation.


Basic Usage

    validator="isEmail" required
    label="Email" name="email" placeholder="Email"

Email validation


yarn add reactjs-input-validator
npm install reactjs-input-validator --save

Import Library

To use reactjs-input-validator in your react app, you should import it first.

// ES6
import { Field } from 'reactjs-inpupt-validator';
// or in ES5
var Field = require('reactjs-input-validator');

Import CSS

Finally, you need to link bootstrap to your application.

// index.html
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">


Name Type Default Description
className string form-control Base CSS class for the component. Generally one should only change className to provide new, non-Bootstrap, CSS styles for a component.
id string Sets id for the input field.
length number Validate if length of the input value matches the value passed. (Default error message available if this validation fails)
lengthErrMsg string Custom error message if length validation fails.
maxLength number Validate if length of the input value is not greater than maximum characters length allowed. (Default error message available if this validation fails)
maxLengthErrMsg string Custom error message if maxLength validation fails.
minLength number Validate if length of the input value is not lesser than minimum characters length allowed. (Default error message available if this validation fails)
minLengthErrMsg string Custom error message if minLength validation fails.
name string Used to reference input elements and to reference it's data.
onChange func Pass this prop to every Input component to get form data and form validation.
placeholder string Pass placeholder for your Input component.
required boolean false Use this prop to make your input field required. (Default error message available if this validation fails)
requiredErrMsg string Custom error message if required validation fails.
setRef function Set reference to your Input
type string text The type attribute specifies the type of element to display.
Supported types: [email, password, text, color, date, datetime-local, month, number, range, hidden, search, tel, url, week]
Not supported types: [button, checkbox, file, image, radio, reset, submit, time]
validator string One of the validators from validator.js
["contains", "equals", "isAfter", "isAlpha", "isAlphanumeric", "isAscii", "isBase64", "isBefore", "isBoolean", "isByteLength", "isCreditCard", "isCurrency", "isDataURI", "isDecimal", "isDivisibleBy", "isEmail", "isEmpty", "isFQDN", "isFloat", "isFullWidth", "isHalfWidth", "isHash", "isHexColor", "isHexadecimal", "isIP", "isISBN", "isISIN", "isISO31661Alpha2", "isISO8601", "isISRC", "isISSN", "isIn", "isInt", "isJSON", "isLatLong", "isLength", "isLowercase", "isMACAddress", "isMD5", "isMimeType", "isMobilePhone", "isMongoId", "isMultibyte", "isNumeric", "isPort", "isPostalCode", "isSurrogatePair", "isURL", "isUUID", "isUppercase", "isVariableWidth", "isWhitelisted", "matches"]
validatorErrMsg string Custom error message if validator validation fails.

Sign up form Demo

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Row, Col } from 'react-bootstrap';
import { Field, formInputData, formValidation } from 'reactjs-input-validator';
export default class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      data: {},
    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
    this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);
  handleChange(event, inputValue, inputName, validationState, isRequired) {
    const value = (event && || inputValue;
    const { data } = this.state;
    data[inputName] = { value, validation: validationState, isRequired };
    // if you want access to your form data
    const formData = formInputData(; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    // tells you if the entire form validation is true or false
    const isFormValid = formValidation(; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
  handleSubmit(event) {
    const isFormValid = formValidation(;
    if (isFormValid) {
      // do anything including ajax calls
      this.setState({ callAPI: true });
    } else {
      this.setState({ callAPI: true, shouldValidateInputs: !isFormValid });
  render() {
    const passwordValue = &&;
    return (
      <form className="example">
          <Col md={6}>
              Input required validation check with
              library default error messages
              label="Full Name" name="fullName" placeholder="First Last"
          <Col md={6}>
              Input required validation check with
              isEmail validation and
              library default error messages
              validator="isEmail" required
              label="Email" name="email" placeholder="Email"
          <Col md={6}>
              Input required validation check with
              isAlphanumeric validation
              and minimum character length validation with
              custom error msg only when minLength validation fail
              validator="isAlphanumeric" required minLength={8}
              minLengthErrMsg="Short passwords are easy to guess. Try one with atleast 8 characters"
              label="Create a password" name="password" type="password" placeholder="Password"
          <Col md={6}>
              Input required validation check with
              equals validation with
              custom error msg only when equals validation fail
              validator="equals" required comparison={passwordValue}
              validatorErrMsg="These passwords don't match. Try again?"
              label="Confirm password" name="confirmPassword" type="password" placeholder="Password"
          Input required validation check with
          custom error msg only when required validation fail
          requiredErrMsg="Enter your address so we can send you awesome stuff"
          label="Address" name="address" placeholder="1234 Main St"
          No validation
          label="Address 2"
          name="address2" placeholder="Apartment, studio, or floor"
          <Col md={6}>
              Input required validation check with
              maximum character length validation with
              library default error messages
              maxLength={20} required label="City"
          <Col md={3}>
              You can declare other input types too
            <label htmlFor="inputState">State</label>
              name="inputState" className="form-control"
              value={ ? : ''}
              <option value="ALABAMA">ALABAMA</option>
              <option value="ALASKA">ALASKA</option>
              <option value="ARIZONA">ARIZONA</option>
          <Col md={3}>
              Input required validation check with
              maximum character length validation with
              library default error messages
              validator="isPostalCode" locale="US" required maxLength={10}
              validatorErrMsg="Enter a valid US Zip"
              label="Zip" name="inputZip"
          type="submit" onClick={this.handleSubmit} className="btn btn-primary"
        >Sign up
            <pre className="resultBlock">
              {JSON.stringify(formInputData(, null, 4)}
          : null


MIT. Copyright 2018 (c) Srikanth Bandaru.

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