rtf util
This is a util which can parse rtf file and convert it to html format. Support image and table convert. It may has some trouble in special character.
get started
const {RtfParser} = require("read-rtf");
const {RtfConverter} = require("read-rtf");
let parser = new RtfParser();
let converter = new RtfConverter();
let rtfGroup = parser.parse(temp);
let htmlContent converter.convert(rtfGroup)
text extraction
Basically this could be used to extract plain text from RTF document.
const fs = require('fs')
let qw = new RtfParser();
let rtfContent = fs.readFileSync('%MY_RTF_DOCUMENT%', "utf-8");
const extractedText = qw.rawText;
This is an experimental util, don't use in production environment.