🛡️ redcrypto
asymmetric crypto for modern web apps
📦 npm install redcrypto
🎟️ json web tokens with rsa256🖋️ digital signatures, default rsa256✨ modern typescript + esm
functions that work on a node server
import {tokenSign} from "redcrypto/x/token-sign.js" void async function main() { const token = await tokenSign({ payload: {whatever: "lol this message is authentic"}, privateKey: "<your private pem key goes here>", lifespan: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, }) }()
import {tokenVerify} from "redcrypto/x/token-verify.js" void async function main() { // will throw error if token sucks const payload = await tokenVerify({ token: "<your token goes here>", publicKey: "<your public pem key goes here>", }) }()
functions that work anywhere, including in-browser
import {tokenDecode} from "redcrypto/x/token-decode.js" // does not verify authenticity, // just unpacks the token const {header, data: {payload}} = tokenDecode("<your token goes here>")
functions that work on a node server
import {signatureSign} from "redcrypto/x/signature-sign.js" void async function main() { const signature = signatureSign({ body: "lol this message is authentic", privateKey: "<your private pem key goes here>", }) }()
import {signatureVerify} from "redcrypto/x/signature-verify.js" void async function main() { // will throw if signature sucks const body = signatureVerify({ body: "lol this message is authentic", signature: "<your generated signature here>", publicKey: "<your public pem key goes here>", }) }()