Caches your functions via Redis. Features:
- Uses Redis caching, expiration, and pub/sub.
- Concurrency locking - if the function is being run elsewhere with the same arguments, it will wait for the result of that function instead of executing again.
- Caching - caches results for as long as you want. If you set
, then you're just this library for concurrency locking, which is completely fine. However, please keep in mind that locking mechanism in this module is not robust - it is more suited towards caching. - Only tested with ioredis
Use Cases:
- Race conditions
- API calls with rate limits
- Expensive database calls
- Expensive function calls
Differences from redis-cache-decorator:
- Uses a class system so that it's more maintainable
- A slightly different API
- Doesn't bother throwing when functions timeout. Use another library instead.
- Removes stream support
const Cache = require('redis-cache-fn')(options)
client <required>
- aioredis
client for GET/SET/PUBLISH, etc. -
subscriber <required>
- aioredis
client forPSUBSCRIBE
namespace = ''
- a prefix for all the events -
encoding = 'json'
- how data is encoded between redis and node.js. Supported values are:-
- the default string
ttl = '30s'
- the TTL expiration in seconds. -
timeout = 0
- how long to wait for the function to execute before executing the function again. By default, there is no timeout.- Ex. if it the current function has waited 30s for the function to complete elsewhere, it will say "F IT" and run the function itself.
pollInterval = '1s'
- how often to poll for new values. -
precache = 3/4
- when the age hits this threshold, execute the function again to so that the cache remains fresh. -
onError = err => console.error(err.stack)
- an error handler for redis network errors.
Cache = Cache.extend(options<Object>)
Subclasses the cache, extending its options. All options are overwritten except:
- the namespace is simply concatenated with:
fn = Cache.wrap(function<Function>)
Decorates the function so that it hits the cache first.
{ Cache } = fn
The function's Cache constructor.
promise = fn()
Returns a promise.
The cache instance of this function call.