
0.0.4 • Public • Published

Redux DAO Repo

This library implements Repository and Data-Access-Object patterns to provide strict access to the Redux store.

Installation and Setup

npm install redux-dao-repo

Then import the ReduxRepository and Thunk middleware. Thunk middleware is required if your DAO updates are asyncronous.

import ReduxRepository from "redux-dao-repo";
import thunkMiddleware from "redux-thunk";

And finally initialize the ReduxRepository singleton and combine with other reducers to create your store

const repo = ReduxRepository.getInstance();

const enhancer = compose(

const store = createStore(
  combineReducers({ ...repo.getReducers() }),

Simple DAO


Create an instance of RepoDataModel by providing a name and initial data to populate the state. Because this will not change we can add it to constants.js file for convinience.

export const MODELS = Object.freeze({
  Modals: new RepoDataModel("modals", {
    exampleModalOpen: false,

Add this model to ReduxRepository during the initialization step

const repo = ReduxRepository.getInstance();

Observe and Mutate

Now in your react component you can observe the changes and mutate the state data. The hook returns two variables, first is the model itself, second is an object with an update() and reset() functions.

const Modals = () => {
  const [modals, updateModals] = MODELS.Modals.useRepoDataModel();
  return (
      {modals.exampleModalOpen && (
        <div className="modal">Example Modal Title</div>
        onClick={() =>
            exampleModalOpen: !modals.exampleModalOpen,
        Toggle Modals

update() function will trigger redux state update of modals state.

reset() function will trigger redux state update of modals state to its initial state.

Alternative Component API

Alternatively you can use Consumer and Producer components provided by the DAO.

  {(modals) => (
      <ExampleModal show={modals.exampleModalOpen} />
        {(updateModals) => (
            onClick={() => {
                exampleModalOpen: !modals.exampleModalOpen,
            Toggle Modals

Consumer component will take a child in a form of a function, which will be invoked as the state of model changes.

Producer component will take a child in a form of a function, which will be invoked with an object containing model update functions.

Complex DAO


First inherit RepoDataModel class and add a redux-thunk function. In our example we add fetchUserInfo(). You need to register the thunk function with the base class in order to expose it in the hooks and custom components, by calling addUpdateFunction in the constructor and providing function name and function reference.

import { RepoDataModel } from "redux-dao-repo";
import { DataModel } from "redux-dao-repo";

export default class UserRepoModel extends RepoDataModel {
  constructor(stateKey, initialState) {
    super(stateKey, initialState);
    this.addUpdateFunction("fetch", this.fetchUserInfo.bind(this));
  fetchUserInfo = () => async (dispatch, getState, { apiService }) => {
    const { user } = getState();
        user?.data ? new DataModel(, true) : DataModel.initLoading()
    try {
      const resp = await apiService.fetchUserInfo();
      dispatch(this.getAction(new DataModel(resp)));
    } catch (ex) {
      dispatch(this.getAction(DataModel.error(0, ex.message)));


Create an instance of our custom DAO UserRepoModel. Because this will not change we can add it to constants.js file for convinience.

export const MODELS = Object.freeze({
  User: new UserRepoModel("user", new DataModel()),

Add this model to ReduxRepository during the initialization step

const repo = ReduxRepository.getInstance();

Observe and Mutate

Now in your react component you can observe the changes and mutate the state data.

const UserInfo = () => {
  const [user, fetchUserInfo] = MODELS.User.useRepoDataModel();
  return (
      {user.loading && "User data loading..."}
      {user.error && "Failed loading user info!"}
      { && `User's first name is ${}`}
      <br />
      <button onClick={() => updateUser.fetch()}>Fetch UserData</button>

Alternative Component API

Alternatively you can use Consumer and Producer components provided by the DAO.

  {(user) => (
        user={} />
        {(updateUser) => (
            onClick={() => {
            Fetch UserData

Consumer component will take a child in a form of a function, which will be invoked as the state of model changes.

Producer component will take a child in a form of a function, which will be invoked with an object containing model update functions.

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