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2.0.1 • Public • Published


Redux Time Machine. Convert your redux in a time machine. Basic to implement do-undo system in your application.

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ReduxTimeMachine is available as an NPM package. You can install ReduxTimeMachine in your project's directory as usual:

$ npm install redux-time-machine --save



StateHubTimeMachine class api

ReduxTimeMachine provides you with a class to instanciate your time machine hub node.

StateHubTimeMachine is a Generic class and can be configured in advance so TypeScript can provide the right information.


On creating an instance of StateHub you need to provide the following Generics:

  1. State - Provide your state interface.
  2. Dispatchers - Provide your dispatchers interface.
  3. HubModel - Provide the Hub model interface.
  4. Result - Empty object where the node builder will store the used methods.
import { StateHubTimeMachine } from 'redux-time-machine';
const stateHubTimeMachine = new StateHubTimeMachine<State, Dispatchers, Hub, {}>();

For more information see StateHub Node API

How ReduxTimeMachine works.

ReduxTimeMachine abstracts the way to store the past, present and future values.

Present value

The present value is the current state value.

Past values

The past value is an array where ReduxTimeMachine pushes every old state when present state value has changed.

Future values

The future value is an array where ReduxTimeMachine pushes every state if the user navigated back to a past value.

Initial Value
    test: 'test'
On creating the ReduxTimeMachine node
    test: {
        past: [],
        present: 'test',
        future: []

ReduxHub Node API

See ReduxHub Node API


In addition to the dispatchers created as a ReduxHub Node, ReduxTimeMachine has other predefined actions to navigate backwards and forwards over the state.


When this dispatcher is executed:

  • The current state value is moved to the future.
  • The last state value in past is moved to the present value.

State before dispatching undo

    test: {
        past: ['test', 'test1', 'test2'],
        present: 'test3',
        future: []

Dispatching undo


State after dispatching undo

    test: {
        past: ['test', 'test1'],
        present: 'test2',
        future: ['test3']

When this dispatcher is executed:

  • The current state value is moved to the future.
  • The last state value in past is moved to the present value.

State before dispatching redo

    test: {
        past: ['test', 'test1'],
        present: 'test2',
        future: ['test3']

Dispatching redo


State after dispatching redo

    test: {
        past: ['test', 'test1', 'test2'],
        present: 'test3',
        future: []

This dispatcher receives a number that is the index in the past array you want to move back to.

When this dispatcher is executed:

  • The value stored in the past array position index passed to the dispatcher will be stored into the present value.
  • The previous values to the position index will remain in past array.
  • The values after position index will be added at the beginning of the future array.

State before dispatching jumpToPast

    test: {
        past: ['test', 'test1'],
        present: 'test2',
        future: ['test3']

Dispatching jumpToPast


State after dispatching jumpToPast

    test: {
        past: [],
        present: 'test',
        future: ['test1', 'test2', 'test3']

This dispatcher receives a number that is the index in the past array you want to move back to.

When this dispatcher is executed:

  • The value stored in the future array position index passed to the dispatcher will be stored into the present value.
  • The previous values to the position index will be added to the past array.
  • The values after position index will remain in the future array.

State before dispatching jumpToFuture

    test: {
        past: ['test', 'test1'],
        present: 'test2',
        future: ['test3', 'test4']

Dispatching jumpToFuture


State after dispatching jumpToFuture

    test: {
        past: ['test', 'test1', 'test2', 'test3'],
        present: 'test4',
        future: []


This method returns present node state.


API documentation

API Documentation can be generated executing npm run docs. The documentation generated can be found inside the docs folder.

Build the source

This library has been written using TypeScript. If you need to use it in your project but you are not working with TypeScript you can always to build the code using npm run build This command will lint your code, run the tests and compile to TypeScript.


This project is maintained by a community of developers. Contributions are welcome and appreciated. You can find ReduxTimeMachine on GitHub; feel free to start an issue or create a pull requests:

For more information, read the contribution guide.


Copyright (c) 2019 Tomas Corral.
Copyright (c) 2019 ReduxTimeMachine Contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.

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  • tcorral