This repo is based on @giantmachines/redux-websocket work.
This is a Redux middleware for managing data over a WebSocket connection.
This middleware uses actions, dispatched with Redux to interact with a WebSocket server including connect, disconnect, message sending, and message receiving. All actions follow the Flux Standard Action model.
$ yarn add matiere-noire/redux-websocket-autoreconnect
$ npm install matiere-noire/redux-websocket-autoreconnect --save
Middleware Installation
Once you have installed the library, you can add it to your Redux middleware stack just like you would any other middleware.
// ... other imports const app = const store =
Another example that add the library to Redux middleware inside an Ignite Project (in App/redux/CreateStore.js) :
// creates the store { /* ------------- Redux Configuration ------------- */ const middleware = const enhancers = /* ------------- Saga Middleware ------------- */ const sagaMonitor = __DEV__ ? consoletron : null const sagaMiddleware = middleware /* ------------- Websocket Middleware ------------- */ middleware /* ------------- Assemble Middleware ------------- */ enhancers /* ------------- AutoRehydrate Enhancer ------------- */ // add the autoRehydrate enhancer if ReduxPersistactive enhancers // if Reactotron is enabled (default for __DEV__), we'll create the store through Reactotron const createAppropriateStore = ConfiguseReactotron ? consoletroncreateStore : createStore const store = // configure persistStore and check reducer version number if ReduxPersistactive RehydrationServices // kick off root saga sagaMiddleware return store}
Available Action Types
The following types are available.
// Action types to be dispatched by the userWEBSOCKET_CONNECTWEBSOCKET_DISCONNECTWEBSOCKET_SEND // Action types dispatched by the WebSocket implementation.// These would be caught by reducers or other middleware.WEBSOCKET_CONNECTINGWEBSOCKET_OPENWEBSOCKET_CLOSEDWEBSOCKET_MESSAGE
They can be imported from the standard package and used like so
Actions: User Dispatched
The following actions are to be dispatched by the user. They will be handled by the middleware. All examples are essentially Flow types to show expectations. The constants can (and should) be imported from the library module (see above)
Open a connection to a WebSocket server.
type: WEBSOCKET_CONNECT payload: url: string // something like 'wss://'
Disconnect from a WebSocket server (and cleanup).
Send a message over an open WebSocket connection. The payload can be an arbitrary JavaScript object or type. The library JSON.stringify()
the payload before sending it.
type: WEBSOCKET_SEND payload: Object|number|string
Actions: User Handled
User handled actions correspond to the callbacks on a WebSocket object. These actions are to be handled in app-space at the reducers or in another piece of middleware to handle message parsing and routing.
Dispatched from redux-websocket when the WebSocket onmessage
callback is executed. This action represents discrete messages sent from the server to the client. Its inverse is WEBSOCKET_SEND
. The data is a string
and it is the client's responsibility to deserialize as necessary. That is, this lib makes no assumptions about the format of the data.
type: WEBSOCKET_CLOSED payload: timestamp: Date event: Event data: string
Dispatched from redux-websocket when the WebSocket onopen
callback is executed. This typically signals a successful connection.
type: WEBSOCKET_OPEN payload: timestamp: Date event: Event
Dispatched from redux-websocket when the WebSocket onclosed
callback is executed. This typically signals a disconnecton event. Codes can be found in the event
type: WEBSOCKET_CLOSED payload: timestamp: Date event: Event
If you like this library and would like to make modifications or additions, please fork the repo and issue a pull request. Here are a couple things that we know are needed.
- Better test coverage
- More refined Flow types
- More complete usage examples