
0.1.1 • Public • Published


Create your autotests more easily! Step tools with simple allure reporting.

You must use mocha test starter if you want use this package with mocha-multi-reporter


  • node.js ^17.9.0
  • ts-node ^9.1.1
  • mocha ^8.2.1
  • mocha-multi-reporter ^1.5.1


  • @types/node ^17.0.41


> npm i relax-steps-allure

Getting started

  1. Init started reporting configuration:
> npx relax-steps-allure setinit

for creation .mocharc.json and reporterConfig.json files (needed for correct package work). If you have this files - just update it (you don't need install anymore else):

  • .mocharc.json:
    "require": ["ts-node/register"],
    "reporter": "mocha-multi-reporters",
    "reporter-option": "configFile=reporterConfig.json"
  • reporterConfig.json (default variant):
    "reporterEnabled": "allure-mocha, list",
    "allureMochaReporterOptions": {
        "resultsDir": "./allure-results"
  1. Include step tools into your test:
import { step } from 'relax-steps-allure';


const step = require('relax-steps-allure').step;
  1. Use steps in tests:
it('My test', async () => {
    await step('Step', async () => {
        // Some code of your case step
    await step('One more step', async () => {
        // ...
  1. Enjoy! Your report is in allure-results =)

Additional usage

Nope test

if you can prepare your automation test but must commit it immediately - use nit method:

nit('My test', async () => {
    await step('First step', async () => {});
    await step('Second step', async () => {});
    // ...

and your code never starts when suite is runned. Also you can create test cases for future automation just in suite.

Error's await

When you await some error or exception in your test - you have two ways catch it without test falling:

  • You can catch error throug its type:
import { step, stepIgnoreError } from 'relax-steps-allure';

it('Test with some error', async () => {
    // ...
    await stepIgnoreError('Step with error', TypeError, async () => {
        throw new TypeError('Some error happens');
  • Or you can use exception catching by its message:
import { step, stepIgnoreErrorByMessage } from 'relax-steps-allure';

it('Another test with some error', async () => {
    // ...
    await stepIgnoreErrorByMessage('Another step with error', 'Shit happens', async () => {
        throw new Error('Shit happens');

Error catching

If you don't know what error will happens, you can use stepCatchError. This method returns boolean, true if error happened or false if your step runned without errors:

import { step, stepCatchError } from 'relax-steps-allure';

it('Test with various error', async () => {
    // ...
    let isError = await stepCatchError('Step with various error', async () => {
        throw new Error('Shit happens');

    await step('Check that error happened', async () => {

API logging

When you testing API endpoints, you can use request/response attachment which attached with step each time when you send request in it - just use annotation @AllureApiAttaches in API controller:

class ApiController {

    @AllureApiAttaches('MY API REQUEST')
    async apiRequest(
        headers: any,
        body: any
    ) {
        return api.request(headers, body).response;



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