The GitHub strategy is used to authenticate users against a GitHub account. It extends the OAuth2Strategy.
Runtime | Has Support |
Node.js | ✅ |
Cloudflare | ✅ |
Follow the steps on the GitHub documentation to create a new application and get a client ID and secret.
import { GitHubStrategy } from "remix-auth-github";
let gitHubStrategy = new GitHubStrategy(
clientSecret: "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET",
callbackURL: "",
async ({ accessToken, extraParams, profile }) => {
// Get the user data from your DB or API using the tokens and profile
return User.findOrCreate({ email: profile.emails[0].value });
// app/routes/login.tsx
export default function Login() {
return (
<Form action="/auth/github" method="post">
<button>Login with GitHub</button>
// app/routes/auth/github.tsx
import type { ActionFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
import { redirect } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticator } from "~/auth.server";
export async function loader() {
return redirect("/login");
export async function action({ request }: ActionFunctionArgs) {
return authenticator.authenticate("github", request);
// app/routes/auth/github/callback.tsx
import type { LoaderFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/node";
import { authenticator } from "~/auth.server";
export async function loader({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
return authenticator.authenticate("github", request, {
successRedirect: "/dashboard",
failureRedirect: "/login",