TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.12 • Public • Published


This is a TypeScript library that provides utilities for creating JSON-RPC clients with optional rate-limiting capabilities. JSON-RPC (JSON Remote Procedure Call) is a protocol that allows you to make remote procedure calls over a network using JSON as the data format. This library simplifies the process of making JSON-RPC calls and provides type safety, error handling, and rate-limiting features.

It offers two different approaches: a curried approach and a proxied approach.


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Both approach let you pass a type parameter to get typings for all available methods. The type parameter must follow the following structure:

export type RPCMethods = Record<string, {params?: any; result?: any; errors?: any}>;
  • params: The type of the parameters expected by the RPC method.
  • result: The expected return type of the RPC method on successful execution.
  • errors: The type of errors that can be returned by the RPC method.

The return type of each function call is either a successful response:

	success: true;
	value: Value;

or a failed response:

	success: false;
	error: Error;

Curried Approach

The createCurriedJSONRPC function creates a JSON-RPC client instance with a curried call method. It has minimal overhead and still allow for nice auto-completion for both method names and parameters. Plus it allow to easily call unspecified method by adding type parameter on the fly.

import {createCurriedJSONRPC} from 'remote-procedure-call';

const jsonrpc = createCurriedJSONRPC<{
	eth_getBlockByNumber: {
		params: [number, boolean];
		result: {hash: string} | null;
		errors: {
			code: -32602;
			message: 'non-array args';
	eth_chainId: {
		result: string;

// Call a remote method with parameters
const blockResponse = await'eth_getBlockByNumber')([1, false]);
if (blockResponse.success) {
	console.log(`hash: ${blockResponse.value.hash}`);
} else {
	// Handle error

// Call a remote method without parameters
const chainIdResponse = await'eth_chainId')();
if (chainIdResponse.success) {
	console.log(`chainId: ${chainIdResponse.value}`);
} else {
	// Handle error

Proxied Approach

The createProxiedJSONRPC function creates a JSON-RPC client instance as a proxy object, where each remote method is exposed as a property on the object. The proxied approach provides a more familiar syntax for calling methods.

import {createProxiedJSONRPC} from 'remote-procedure-call';

const jsonrpc = createProxiedJSONRPC<{
	eth_getBlockByNumber: {
		params: [number, boolean];
		result: {hash: string} | null;
		errors: {
			code: -32602;
			message: 'non-array args';
	eth_chainId: {
		result: string;

// Call a remote method with parameters
const blockResponse = await jsonrpc.eth_getBlockByNumber([1, false]);
if (blockResponse.success) {
	console.log(`hash: ${blockResponse.value.hash}`);
} else {
	// Handle error

// Call a remote method without parameters
const chainIdResponse = await jsonrpc.eth_chainId();
if (chainIdResponse.success) {
	console.log(`chainId: ${chainIdResponse.value}`);
} else {
	// Handle error

Error Handling

Both approaches return a response object with a success property indicating whether the call was successful or not. If success is `false

Rate Limiting

Both createCurriedJSONRPC and createProxiedJSONRPC accept an optional options object with a requestsPerSecond property to enable rate limiting.

import {createCurriedJSONRPC} from 'remote-rpocedure-call';

const jsonrpc = createCurriedJSONRPC<{
	getValue: {
		params: {
			id: string;
		result: string;
		errors: {code: 1; message: string} | {code: 2; message: string};
	specVersion: {
		result: string;
}>('', {requestsPerSecond: 10});


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.




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