Smarter setInterval.
bower install --save repeat-action
npm install --save repeat-action
var options = {
action, // A function returning a regular value (string, number, object, etc.) or a promise.
timeout, // A number or a function returning a number.
done, // Optional.
fail, // A function or a list of functions.
always, // Works like jQuery.Deferred handlers.
permit, // Optional. A function returning a boolean value
// permitting or forbidding next action call. It does not stop the loop.
var loop = new Repeat(options);; // Call the action & schedule next calls.; // Call the action before the timeout is over.
loop.stop(); // Stop the loop. Scheduled functions will not be called.
// The loop may be started again with
var reload = new Repeat({
action: loadEntities,
done: function(entities) {
timeout: 5000
var reload2 = new Repeat({
action: loadEntities,
done: [update, process],
timeout: function(entities) {
var faster = 1000;
var slower = 10 * faster;
return (entities.length > 0) ? slower : faster;
permit: function() {
return (Math.random() >= 0.5);