This module provides a simple way to get statistics on an http service.
You can follow the evolution of response times and improve the efficiency of your services.
This module provides simple reports by calculating the average response time or with the detail of your service. You can choose to export the details of each request in a json file.
Node.js 14.0.0 or newer is required.
Install the module with npm or yarn :
With npm :
npm install request-prosperf
With yarn :
yarn add request-prosperf
Import the module from node_modules :
With CommonJS syntax :
const { RequestTerter } = require("request-prosperf");
With module syntax :
import {RequestTerter} = from 'request-prosperf';
Create a new instance of RequestTerter :
const options = {
requests: 200; // Number of requests to test
maxRequestTimeout: 2000; // Maximum time in milliseconds
output: 'result.json'; // Json file
cooldown: 0; // Setup cooldown between requests (in ms)
throwOnError: false; // Throw on error
method: 'GET'; // HTTP method to use
body: null; // The body of the request
const tester = new RequestTerter('http://localhost:8080/ping',{options});
Start the testing.
Return : Promise<ResultResponse>
Return the total time in milliseconds for test every request.
The medium time of request.
View detail as a json.
Return : JSON