
2.3.2 • Public • Published


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A Node module for handling HTTP requests. For making browser-based requests, see Questal.


npm install requestal

Basic Usage:

You can make get, post, put, patch, and delete requests with Requestal. to make a quick one off request you can capitalize the first letter and call the static version of the method, or you can set more customized options by instantiating a new Requestal instance: :

const Requestal = require('requestal');
//static request
Requestal.Get('full/path/to/dest', data => {
//using full Get method instance
const q = new Requestal();  
let getInstance = q.get(options);
// do stuff
getInstance.send(url, data);


There are several ways to pass options into your Requestal instance, with each way having a slightly different effect:

  1. The Config File
    Requestal will automatically look for a requestal.config.js or requestal.config.json file in your project's root. If the config file is named something else or is located somewhere else, specify the full path to the config file in the options parameter passed to the Requestal constructor like so:

    const q = new Requestal({
        config: '/full/path/to/config/file'

    Options in the file will be passed into the Requestal constructor and serve as the default options for all requests made for the project, including requests made using Requestal static methods. If no config file is found, the preset default options will be used.

  2. The Requestal Constructor
    Passing options straight into the Requestal constructor will override options in a config file and become the default options for all requests made with that Requestal instance.

    const q = new Requestal(options);
  3. The Method Constructor Calling a Requestal method constructor (i.e., a Requestal method named after an http request method) will return a new instance of that methods Requestal class.

     let post =;

    For example, calling will return an instance of the RequestalPost class. Passing options into this method constructor will override options passed into the Requestal constructor and persist for all requests using that method instance.

  4. On Send
    Passing options along when making the request will override all other options and only apply to the specific request being made.


    Requests made using Requestal static methods will only use options from a config file or passed in this way.

Example of overriding Requestal options:

let post =
        data: {
            first: 'Bill',
            last: 'Jones',
//Parameters sent: { url:'/data', data: { id:16, first:'Bill', last: 'Jones' } }
//Parameters sent: { url:'/params', data: { id:17, first:'Bill', last: 'Nelson' } }
post.send('/params', { id:17, last:'Nelson' });  


Setting options.base is convenient if you plan on making the lion's share of requests to the same domain.

const q = new Requestal({ 
    base: ''

Then any requests with no base will use the base, while passing a full url with a request will override the base:'/my/path'); // Request will be sent to ''''); // Request will be sent to ''


Note: In Event Callbacks, this always refers to the Requestal Request Method Instance.

Available Requestal Events With Callback Parameters

  • success: Called when a request is completed successfully
q.on('success', callback(response));
// Or pass directly as the 2nd or 3rd parameter to a static method
Requestal.Post('/path/to/dest', function(data) { console.log(data, data.json)});

The data parameter passed to the success callback is a RequestalResponse object containing the results of the request, including some handy methods for accessing the data.


        "id": 1,
        "first": "Bill",
        "last": "Jones"
  • error: Called when the request exits with errors. The error or error message is passed to the callback. You can instruct errors not to trigger an exit by setting options.silent to true in either the Requestal constructor or the Method Constructor

  • change: Called whenever the state of the request has changed. The states are ready, responseHeaders, data, and complete. A string representing the new state is passed to the callback.

  • ready: Called at the beginning of the request process when the state of the request is set to ready. No parameters are passed to the callback.

  • responseHeaders: Called when the response headers are first received and the state of the request changes to responseHeaders. An object containing the response headers is passed to the callback.

  • data: Called whenever response data is available, starting when the request's state is first changed to receiving data. The current data chunk is passed to the callback.

  • complete: Called when a request's is finished and its state is set to complete, regardless of the outcome. The RequestalResponse and Node's http(s).IncomingMessage are both passed to the callback.

  • init: Called before ready, when Requestal first becomes self-aware, so to speak. No parameters are passed to the callback;

  • abort: Called when a request is aborted. No parameters are passed to the callback.

  • progress: Called when there is information available regarding the progress of the request. The information is passed to the callback.

  • timeout: Called when a request times out. No parameters are passed to the callback.


let post ='/data')
post.headers.set('contentType', 'html'); // sets Content-Type to 'text/html' (default is application/json) 
post.response.setEncoding('base64'); // sets encoding of the response to base64 (default is utf8) 

You can check the response object's headers parameter to confirm response headers:

post.on('responseHeaders', headers => {
    console.log(headers); // Prints response headers to console
//after setup, send request
post.send({ mykey: myValue });

You can override default headers by passing options.headers to any of the instance methods

Put and Delete

Upload files using the put method

let get = q.get('/path/to/dest');
get.on('success', (res) => {
    q.put('/data/data2.json', { file: res.text });

Or delete an existing file using the delete method

 q.delete('/data/data2.json', res => (alert(res.text)));

Version 2.0

New in Version 2, you can run requests on the command line with the requestal terminal command.

foo:bar foo$ requestal <method> <url> [-p | --params | -d | --data <name>=<value>]
             [-s | --subset <key>] [-h | --headers <name=value>] [--on <path/to/module>]
             [-e | --encoding <value>] [--timeout <value>] [-v | --verbose] 
             [-r | --raw] [--silent]


  • method
    The request method to use: get, post, put, patch, head, or delete.

  • url
    The full url and path to the request destination


  • -p | --params | -d | --data
    The data to send along with the request. As for any way you use requestal, these can be in the form of a query string tacked on to the url or as a parameter object, here expressed as -p id=myId name=myName

  • -s | --subset
    View a subset of the returned data in the console. If the subset doesn't exist the response defaults to the full response.

     foo:bar foo$ requestal post https://mydomain/myendpoint 
     Response from https://mydomain/myendpoint: 
     │ (index) │ id │ first  │  last   │
     │    0    │ 1  │ 'Bill' │ 'Jones' │
     │    1    │ 2  │ 'Jane' │ 'Smith' │
     │    2    │ 3  │ 'Bob'  │ 'Davis' │
     foo:bar foo$ requestal get https://mydomain/myendpoint -s first
     Subset parsing failed, printing full response from https://mydomain/myendpoint:
     │ (index) │ id │ first  │  last   │
     │    0    │ 1  │ 'Bill' │ 'Jones' │
     │    1    │ 2  │ 'Jane' │ 'Smith' │
     │    2    │ 3  │ 'Bob'  │ 'Davis' │
     foo:bar foo$ requestal get https://mydomain/myendpoint -s 0 first
     Response from https://mydomain/myendpoint: 
  • -h | --headers
    Set headers for the request here in a <key>=<value> fashion:

    foo:bar foo$ requestal get https://mydomain/myendpoint -s 0 first -h contentType=json connection=keep-alive
  • -on
    Set event handlers here in an <event>=<path/to/module> fashion. If the module exists it will be pulled via require and then if it's a function it will be passed as an event callback:

    // myfile.js
    module.exports = function(data) {
    foo:bar foo$ requestal get https://mydomain/myendpoint -s 0 first -on success=./myfile.js
    Response from https://mydomain/myendpoint: 
  • -e | --encoding
    Set the encoding of the response, default is utf8:

    foo:bar foo$ requestal get https://mydomain/myendpoint -s 0 first -e utf16
    Response from https://mydomain/myendpoint: 
  • --timeout
    Set the time in milliseconds that the process will wait for response before exiting, default is 30000

  • -v | --verbose
    Activating this flag will send the full response object back rather than just the response body

  • -r | --raw
    Will send back the raw response body rather than the formatted table structure that is the default.

  • --silent
    Rather than printing response body, will only print response status code and message as well as the content-length from the response header:

    foo:bar foo$ requestal get https://mydomain/myendpoint -s 0 first --silent
    Status: 200 OK; Response Size: 129

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