
0.1.3 • Public • Published


Simple reducer library for Redux. It's like Reselect but for reducers.

By using aggressive memoization, reducers can depend on each others in an efficient way, without having to query Redux store.

It works fine with time-travel debugging and server-side rendering, because reducers remains totally stateless pure functions.

It permits to replace the imperative waitFor of original Flux implementation by a purely functional approach.


The API is a first draft and may change in the future. Don't hesitate to discuss what the API should look like here:

createReducer( [reducerDependencies], reducerFunction)

[reducerDependencies] is an optional object that looks like {key1: reducer1, key2: reducer2}

If dependencies are provided, reducerFunction will be called with a 3rd argument with the state of the dependency reducers.

Simple Reducers (without dependencies)

Rereduce only add basic memoization on the original reducer. You don't need to use rereduce for those reducers at all. But if you plan to make other reducers depend on your simple reducer, wrapping it with rereduce will be more CPU and memory efficient.

Reducers with dependencies

  • reducerFunction will be called with a 3rd argument with the state of the dependency reducers.
  • The reducer always return an object with 2 attributes value and __dependencies
  • value is the computed value of your reducing function.
  • __dependencies is an attribute that you could simply ignore (don't worry, it does not consume as much additional memory as you may naively think).
  • __dependencies is required to keep the reducer stateless.
  • You should take care of the __dependencies attribute if you need efficient Redux store serialization/deserialization.


import {  createReducer  } from 'rereduce'
const firstReducer =  createReducer((state = 0, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'increment': return state + 1
    case 'decrement': return state - 1
    default: return state
const secondReducer = createReducer({ firstReducer },
  (state = 0,action,{ firstReducer }) => firstReducer + 1
const rootReducer = combineReducers({ firstReducer, secondReducer })
const initialState = undefined
const stateInitialized = rootReducer(initialState,{ type: 'init' })
const stateIncremented = rootReducer(stateInitialized,{ type: 'increment' })
assert.equal(stateInitialized.firstReducer, 0)
assert.equal(stateInitialized.secondReducer.value, 1)
assert.equal(stateIncremented.firstReducer, 1)
assert.equal(stateIncremented.secondReducer.value, 2)



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