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4.0.0 • Public • Published


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Zero-cost bindings to Big.js library.

In this version only these methods are supported: toFixed, plus, minus, div, times, valueOf, round, eq, gt, gte, lt and lte

It also have some converters and shortcuts for converting an existing value or making a Big value, such as: fromFloator toFloat.

It's accompanied with an Operators module which override some operators like +., *., /. and -.

📦 Installation

Run the following command:

$ yarn add rescript-big

Then add rescript-big to your bsconfig.json's dependencies:

   "bs-dependencies": [
+    "rescript-big"

💻 Usage

open! Big.Operators

let a = 201.57512->Big.fromFloat
Js.log(a->Big.toFixed(2)) // 201.58

// Compiler error: 1. is a float, wanted Big.t
let c = a *. 1.

// OK
let b = 1.->Big.fromFloat
let c = a *. b
Js.log(Big.valueOf(c)) // 201.57512

🕺 Contribute

🚀 Want to hack on rescript-big? Follow the next instructions

  1. Fork this repository to your own GitHub account and then clone it to your local device
  2. Install dependencies using Yarn: yarn
  3. Ensure that the tests are passing using yarn test
  4. Send a pull request 🙌

Remember to add tests for your change if possible.

👋 Questions

If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue. Please check the Big.js docs before submitting an issue.

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  • leolebras